Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2.0

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Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2.0

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Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2 was released on December 18, 2009.

For more detailed information on Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2 information, refer to Alfresco Network.

The following notes provide overview information on the Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2 release.

New and Enhanced Features

This release includes many new features and enhancements across the product suite. The following provides a summary of the new capabilities.


  • Server Subsystems
    • Independent configuration and management for server functional areas including:
      • Authentication
      • Synchronization
      • File Servers
      • Third Party Applications
      • IMAP
      • WCM Deployment Receiver
      • System Admin
    •       Subsystems can be:
      • Started, stopped, and configured independently and at runtime
    • JMX enabled
    • Cluster aware – configuration changes automatically propagated across cluster nodes
  • Administration and Monitoring
    • Server metrics exposed via JMX instrumentation for monitoring via 3rd party JMX consoles
  • Refactored and enhanced integration with enterprise directories
    • LDAP Query-based
    • Differential-based Synchronization
    • Paging support for synchronization results
    • Tracing and logging enhancements
    • Major performance and reliability improvements
  • Clustered Job Locking
  • Content File Properties Refactor
    • Allows direct querying for content file specific metadata (such as size, mimetype, or locale)
    • Support for Multilingual Text
    • API support for arbitrary collections of objects
  • Lucene Upgrade 2.4.1
    • Provides improved Performance and Reliability
  • JBPM Upgraded to 3.3.1
  • New Period Datatype (such as X days/months/years)
    • Allows application to calculate future dates for events such as review in 1 year
    • Extensible for custom time units
  • Purge Content
    • Immediate deletion of content from file system
  • Copy Operation Refactor
    • Improved performance for copy operations
  • Search Enhancements
    • SQL like Query Language (based on the CMIS Query language - CMIS QL) including multi-valued properties, Full Text Search and hierarchical (folder) support. Details on CMIS QL language are available in the CMIS Specification: v0.61
    • New Alfresco Full Text Search Language - Note: Independent from Lucene syntax
      • May be used within SQL queries or standalone
    • Both SQL and FTS searching accessible via all Alfresco search APIs
  • Storage Policies via Selectable Content Stores
    • Manage physical storage location for content according to business policies


All mandatory CMIS v0.61 capabilities and most of the optional Web Services and AtomPub (REST) Bindings including:

  • Create/Read/Update/Delete
  • Types including custom metadata
  • Versioning
  • Relationships
  • Allowable actions
  • Query (with the exception of Joins)


  • Document Library support for Custom Types, Aspects, and Metadata
  • New, extensible Forms system including support for editing custom metadata
  • Moderated Sites
  • Group-based Site Membership
  • New, pluggable, Administration Console for User and Group management
  • New and Improved dashlets including:
    • Image Preview Dashlet
    • Content I'm Editing Dashlet
  • Rich User Profiles
  • Personal Document Favorites
  • IMAP Favorites
  • Customizable Themes
  • Full Screen/Full Window Document Preview
  • Additional filtering options for Site Activities (all, other peoples, mine only) and Tasks (invites)
  • Numerous Performance Enhancements
  • Numerous minor functional and usability improvements
  • Support for Share in Multi-Tenant deployments
  • Share support for login via external Single-Sign On systems including NTLM, Passthru, CAS and more
  • Optional Flash Previews
  • Usability enhancements including document editing and actions
  • Share component overrides via standard web-extensions mechanism

SharePoint Protocol

  • Single-Sign On support for NTLM and Passthru based authentication

Email Client Support via IMAP

  • Email clients can navigate and view documents and emails in the repository via the IMAP protocol
    • Email Message body displays dynamically generated view for non-email content including:
      • Metadata
      • Action Links
      • View may be customized via Presentation Template
  • Drag n' Drop emails directly into the repository from email client
    • Automatic Metadata Extraction
    • Automatic extraction of Email Attachments


  • New Web Clustering Architecture for Authoring and Runtime
  • Parallel Deployment Engine
    • Multi-threaded processing for high performance update of web sites
  • Instant Preview against Test Server
    • View changes, including code, in context
  • Pluggable Deployment Architecture to multiple delivery environments
    • Deploy to file systems, other Alfresco servers or external delivery channels
    • Replacement for the Alfresco System Receiver
  • Improved Rendering and Transform of Web Content
    • Native Support for local includes, XSL, Freemarker, Web Scripts and more

Enterprise Edition