Alfresco SDK 3.0 Beta User Guide

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Alfresco SDK 3.0 Beta User Guide

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Alfresco SDK 3.0 Beta - User Guide



Alfresco Maven Plugin

Support for different versioning of Platform and Share UI

Maven Profiles

From AMPs to JARs

From Spring Loaded to JRebel or HotSwap

The end of Tomcat Virtual Webapp Context

Support for multiple Alfresco Versions

All-In-One (AIO) Project change




Hot Reloading



Working with SDK Projects

All-In-One (AIO)

Generating from Maven Archetype


Using an Enterprise version

Using Enterprise Libraries

Using the Platform REST API Explorer


Platform application logging

Share application logging

Hot reloading




Hot reloading of Platform extensions

Basic Platform Web Script hot reloading

Reloading Web Resources (JRebel only)

Spring Context Reloading (JRebel only)

Hot reloading of Share extensions


Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

Using a custom context path for the Share webapp

Adding Custom Webapps when running

Adding Custom System Properties when running

Using Standalone Databases

Using a MySQL Database

Using a PostgreSQL Database

Using an Enterprise Database

Custom WAR artifacts

Using older Alfresco versions

Using Alfresco 5.1

Using Alfresco 5.0

Using Alfresco 4.2

Platform JAR Modules

Generating from Maven Archetype


Using an Enterprise version

Using Enterprise Libraries

Using the REST API Explorer


Hot reloading

Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

Adding Custom Webapps when running

Adding Custom System Properties when running


Using Standalone Databases

Custom WAR artifact

Using older Alfresco versions

Using Alfresco 5.1

Using Alfresco 5.0

Using Alfresco 4.2

Share JAR Modules

Generating from Maven Archetype


Using an Enterprise version


Hot reloading

Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

Using a custom context path for the Share webapp

Adding Custom Webapps when running

Adding Custom System Properties when running


Custom WAR artifacts

Using older Alfresco versions

Using Alfresco 5.1

Using Alfresco 5.0

Using Alfresco 4.2

Activiti JAR Modules

Generating from Maven Archetype

Applying a license file


Updating the HelloWorld application


Hot reloading


Using Standalone Databases

Custom WAR artifact

Upgrading previous SDK 2.2 projects to SDK 3


Alfresco SDK 3 is a major overhaul of the SDK and provides several improvements on   previous SDKs.

Alfresco Maven Plugin

The most significant change is that we now keep most of the build logic, run logic, and project configuration inside the Alfresco Maven Plugin. This means that the POMs will be a lot slimmer and they will also not depend on a parent SDK POM. This will make upgrades easier and you can now use your own Maven parent POM.

The plug-in now builds the project web applications as follows:

Alfresco Maven Plugin - Build Logic - SDK 3.png

There are a couple of things we need to feed the plugin with, such as what version of the different WAR artifacts we want to use, database configuration, location of alf_data etc. This is still all done in the project POM properties section:


   <!-- Alfresco Maven Plugin version to use -->



   <!-- Alfresco Data directory, which will contain:

         Content Store (i.e. the files we upload)

         Database (i.e. the metadata for the uploaded files)

         Search index (i.e. the indexed content and metadata)

        Configured in with the 'dir.root' property.




   <!-- Duplicated with alfresco.solrHome in the plugin,

we need them out here to do filtering -->




   <!-- Properties used in dependency declarations, you don't need to change these -->



   <!-- Platform WAR artifact, change to 'alfresco-enterprise' if using Enterprise Edition -->


   <!-- Alfresco Platform and Share webapp versions,

these are the original Alfresco webapps that will be

        customized and then deployed and run by the tomcat maven plugin when

        executing for example $ mvn clean install alfresco:run -->



   <!-- Alfresco Surf version, if you change Share version you

might need to change Surf version -->


   <!-- Aikau framework version, it is released separately, so it can be useful to be able

        to bring in newer versions with bug fixes etc -->



   <!-- JRebel Hot reloading of classpath stuff and web resource stuff -->


   <!-- Environment to use, Alfresco Maven Plugin will

copy alfresco-global-*.properties files from this directory -->


   <!-- Compile with Java 7, default is 5 -->




Note that the Platform (alfresco.war) and Share (share.war) artifacts are now released with their own individual version numbers. And the artifactId for the alfresco.war artifact has changed to alfresco-platform from version 5.2.

We control what modules (AMPs and JARs) that should be applied to each WAR and what webapps we want to run via Alfresco Maven plugin configuration:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- We always need the Platform/Repo webapp - alfresco.war -->


       <!-- Enable Solr webapp so we can use search -->


       <!-- We need Share webapp, so we got a UI for working with the Repo -->



           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

           (i.e. alfresco.war)









           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Share WAR (i.e. share.war)




               <!-- Bring in a newer version, can coexist with older versions

                    in the WAR disttribution, newest version is picked -->





           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->









Support for different versioning of Platform and Share UI

The Alfresco product is no longer released under one common version, such as 5.1.e. The Platform (i.e. alfresco.war) and the Share UI (share.war) are now released with individual version numbers, such as Platform 5.2.a-EA and Share 5.1.g. SDK 3 supports specifying different versions for these artifacts.

Maven Profiles

Profiles are no longer used for running the project or for enabling Enterprise editions. The runner logic is built into the Alfresco Maven Plugin and to use an Enterprise version you will specify its version in the properties section, and bring in relevant specific Enterprise dependencies.

This means that the artifacts that are produced are always the same and not affected by what profile(s) that have been activated.

From AMPs to JARs

Next big change is that we have moved from AMPs to JAR modules as default project and artifact structure. AMPs are still produced via the Maven Assembly plugin, but the main module type we are working with is simple JAR modules.

JARs are the default artifact type that Maven works with, so using simple JAR modules solves a lot of problems. For example, by using simple JAR modules we solve the long standing problem of depending on modules and using classes in them. This was not possible with AMPs but is now easy to do with a standard Maven <dependency> declaration. Also, most IDEs and build tools are familiar with JARs.

We also avoid overwrite problems that can occur quite easily with AMPs, see the following picture:

AMP Modules - Overview Share (1).png

It is also not trivial to uninstall an AMP as the files in the /config and /web directories are copied into the WAR. Looking at the same example using JAR modules:

JAR Modules - Overview Share.png

We can see that things have improved, you still got possible JAR conflicts but at least you would be aware of them.

To summarize, JAR Modules have some advantages over AMPs:

  1. They can be easily installed and uninstalled
  2. They don’t accidentally overwrite files from the product or other extensions
  3. Maven likes and knows about JARs
  4. Development Environments knows about JARs
  5. Developers knows about JARs

From Spring Loaded to JRebel or HotSwap

Another change is that we no longer use Spring Loaded for hot reloading. Instead we use JRebel or the open source alternative HotSwap, which works a lot better and gives hot reloading of Spring context (only JRebel), classes, web resources, property files etc. in both the alfresco.war and the share.war. So now you can for example add a property to your Java backed Web Script controller bean and it is hot reloaded. You can even define new beans and they are hot reloaded. As you might know, in the latest SDK release 2.2.0 you could no longer use Spring Loaded for hot reloading of stuff in alfresco.war.

The end of Tomcat Virtual Webapp Context

By using JRebel we could also remove the use of Tomcat Virtual Webapp contexts, which has been a bit confusing. The Virtual Webapp contexts were used to define where in the project structure the Tomcat server should look for web resources (e.g. scripts and images) and classes for a specific web application.

When you generated an AIO project the Virtual webapp contexts were set up correctly for the included Repository AMP and Share AMP, so it worked nicely as long as you did not add more AMPs, then you had to remember to update the virtual webapp context with these AMPs’ web resources and classes, which could be a bit confusing and error prone.

For the virtual webapp context solution to work, we had to exclude the web resources from the produced AMPs, otherwise they would not be picked up from the project structure when they were updated. This led to more confusion as if you took an AMP file that you had just tested in your AIO project (using mvn clean install -Prun) and installed it into a standard Alfresco installation, it would not work as it would be missing the /web folder.

With SDK 3 there is no longer the need to configure and use virtual webapp context files and the JARs and AMPs that are produced are always complete and ready to deploy into a stand-alone Alfresco installation.

Support for multiple Alfresco Versions

With SDK 3 we also wanted to be able to support multiple versions of Alfresco to simplify upgrades and avoid a complicated compatibility matrix. The SDK 3 projects are by default generated with Platform version set to 5.2.a-EA and Share UI version set to 5.1.g.

However, you can also use SDK 3 with Alfresco version 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1. This is possible by having most of the build and run logic inside the Alfresco Maven Plugin.

All-In-One (AIO) Project change

The AIO project has been simplified as a result of build logic, run logic, and project configuration being moved into the Alfresco Maven Plugin. For more information about the new AIO project see this section.


In order to use the Alfresco SDK you will need a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 installed and a Maven version 3.3 installed. Optionally you will need JRebel for hot reloading of web resources, configuration, and classes.


Download JDK 8 from this site, and install by running installer.

Verify installation, both JDK and JRE:

$ javac -version

javac 1.8.0_91

$ java -version

java version "1.8.0_91"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

Make sure JAVA_HOME is setup correctly, so other tools like Maven will use correct version:

$ env|grep JAVA_HOME



Download Apache Maven from this site, and install.

Verify installation:

$ mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T12:57:37+01:00)

Maven home: /home/martin/apps/apache-maven-3.3.3

Java version: 1.8.0_91, vendor: Oracle Corporation

Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre

Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: UTF-8

OS name: "linux", version: "4.2.0-38-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

Make sure MAVEN_OPTS and M2_HOME is setup correctly:

$ env|grep M2


$ env|grep MAV

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1G

Hot Reloading

For hot reloading of classes and web resources the JRebel and HotSwap Java Agents can be used. JRebel is a commercial product while HotSwap is open source. Both products can reload classes and web resources. However, JRebel is more powerful than HotSwap and can for example also reload changes to the Spring XML context files.


You can try out JRebel using a trial license. Download JRebel from this site, and install (download the nightly build to get the latest features with Spring Context reload etc):

Update the MAVEN_OPTS config to look something like this:

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1G -agentpath:/home/martin/apps/jrebel/lib/


Download HotSwap JVM and Java Agent from this site, and install (download the nightly build to get the latest features).

martin@gravitonian:~/Downloads/HotSwap$ sudo java -jar DCEVM-light-8u92-installer.jar

  1. Choose what JVM to replace by Dynamic Code Evolution VM (DCEVM).
  2. Install DCEVM as altvm

Verify DCEVM:

martin@gravitonian:~/Downloads/HotSwap$ java -version

java version "1.8.0_91"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)

Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.71-b01-dcevmlight-1, mixed mode)

Update the MAVEN_OPTS config to look something like this:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx1G -XXaltjvm=dcevm -javaagent:/home/martin/apps/hotswap/hotswap-agent.jar"

Working with SDK Projects

The SDK 3 comes with three project archetypes: All-In-One, Platform JAR, and Share JAR. This is similar to previous SDKs. This section will go through how to use each one of these project Maven archetypes (i.e. project templates).

All-In-One (AIO)

This section covers how to use the new SDK 3 All-in-One project.

Generating from Maven Archetype

To generate a project based on the AIO Maven archetype do the following (make sure Maven environment is setup properly):

martin@gravitonian:~$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...


Choose archetype:

1: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

2: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project for All-in-One development on the Alfresco plaftorm. Includes modules for: Repository WAR overlay, Repository AMP, Share WAR overlay, Solr configuration, and embedded Tomcat runner)

3: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:share-amp-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module


4: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-platform-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Platform/Repository JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

5: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-share-jar-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module


6: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:activiti-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Activiti JARs)

Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): : 2

Choose org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype version:

1: 1.0

2: 1.0.1

3: 1.0.2

4: 1.1.0

5: 1.1.1

6: 3.0.0-beta-4

7: 3.0.0-beta-5

Choose a number: 7: <hit enter>

Define value for property 'groupId': : org.alfresco.test

Define value for property 'artifactId': : aio

[INFO] Using property: version = 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Define value for property 'package':  org.alfresco.test: : <hit enter>

Confirm properties configuration:

groupId: org.alfresco.test

artifactId: aio

version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

package: org.alfresco.test

 Y: : <hit enter>

Here we choose the second archetype (2) called alfresco-allinone-archetype. Then we specify Maven groupId and artifactId for the new project, this can be whatever you like. We use the same Java package path as groupId.

This generates a project structure as follows:


└── aio

    ├── aio-platform-jar

    │   ├── pom.xml

    │   └── src

    │       ├── main

    │       │   ├── assembly

    │       │   │   ├── amp.xml

    │       │   │   ├──

    │       │   │   ├── lib

    │       │   │   │   └──

    │       │   │   └── web

    │       │   │       └──

    │       │   ├── java

    │       │   │   └── org

    │       │   │       └── alfresco

    │       │   │           └── test

    │       │   │               └── platformsample

    │       │   │                   ├──

    │       │   │                   ├──

    │       │   │                   └──

    │       │   └── resources

    │       │       ├── alfresco

    │       │       │   ├── extension

    │       │       │   │   └── templates

    │       │       │   │       └── webscripts

    │       │       │   │           └── alfresco

    │       │       │   │               └── tutorials

    │       │       │   │                   ├── helloworld.get.desc.xml

    │       │       │   │                   ├── helloworld.get.html.ftl

    │       │       │   │                   └── helloworld.get.js

    │       │       │   └── module

    │       │       │       └── aio-platform-jar

    │       │       │           ├──

    │       │       │           ├── context

    │       │       │           │   ├── bootstrap-context.xml

    │       │       │           │   ├── service-context.xml

    │       │       │           │   └── webscript-context.xml

    │       │       │           ├── messages

    │       │       │           │   └──

    │       │       │           ├── model

    │       │       │           │   ├── content-model.xml

    │       │       │           │   └── workflow-model.xml

    │       │       │           ├── module-context.xml

    │       │       │           ├──

    │       │       │           └── workflow

    │       │       │               └── sample-process.bpmn20.xml

    │       │       └── META-INF

    │       │           └── resources

    │       │               └── test.html

    │       └── test

    │           └── java

    │               └── org

    │                   └── alfresco

    │                       └── test

    ├── aio-share-jar

    │   ├── pom.xml

    │   └── src

    │       ├── main

    │       │   ├── assembly

    │       │   │   ├── amp.xml

    │       │   │   ├──

    │       │   │   ├── lib

    │       │   │   │   └──

    │       │   │   └── web

    │       │   │       └──

    │       │   ├── java

    │       │   │   └── org

    │       │   │       └── alfresco

    │       │   │           └── test

    │       │   └── resources

    │       │       ├── alfresco

    │       │       │   ├── module

    │       │       │   │   └── aio-share-jar

    │       │       │   │       └──

    │       │       │   └── web-extension

    │       │       │       ├── aio-share-jar-slingshot-application-context.xml

    │       │       │       ├── messages

    │       │       │       │   └──

    │       │       │       ├── site-data

    │       │       │       │   └── extensions

    │       │       │       │       └── aio-share-jar-example-widgets.xml

    │       │       │       └── site-webscripts

    │       │       │           ├── com

    │       │       │           │   └── example

    │       │       │           │       └── pages

    │       │       │           │           ├── simple-page.get.desc.xml

    │       │       │           │           ├── simple-page.get.html.ftl

    │       │       │           │           └── simple-page.get.js

    │       │       │           └── org

    │       │       │               └── alfresco

    │       │       │                   └──

    │       │       └── META-INF

    │       │           ├── resources

    │       │           │   └── aio-share-jar

    │       │           │       └── js

    │       │           │           └── tutorials

    │       │           │               └── widgets

    │       │           │                   ├── css

    │       │           │                   │   └── TemplateWidget.css

    │       │           │                   ├── i18n

    │       │           │                   │   └──

    │       │           │                   ├── templates

    │       │           │                   │   └── TemplateWidget.html

    │       │           │                   └── TemplateWidget.js

    │       │           └── share-config-custom.xml

    │       └── test

    │           └── java

    │               └── org

    │                   └── alfresco

    │                       └── test

    ├── debug.bat


    ├── pom.xml


    ├── run.bat


    └── src

        └── test

            ├── license

            │   └──

            ├── properties

            │   └── local

            │       ├──

            │       ├──

            │       ├──

            │       └──

            └── resources

                ├── alfresco

                │   └── extension

                │       ├──

                │       └── disable-webscript-caching-context.xml

                └── tomcat

                    └── context-solr.xml

As you can see, there are no longer any WAR projects, Runner project, or Solr Config project, just the two JAR module projects. All the webapp assembly and runner logic is now handled by the Alfresco Maven Plugin. So you are probably thinking, if there are no WAR projects, how do I configure what JARs and AMPs that should be applied to the standard alfresco.war and share.war?

The Alfresco Maven Plugin now provides extra configuration sections <platformModules> and <shareModules> where you can specify what modules should be applied to each WAR file:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- We always need the Platform/Repo webapp - alfresco.war -->


       <!-- Enable Solr webapp so we can use search -->


       <!-- We need Share webapp, so we got a UI for working with the Repo -->



           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

           (i.e. alfresco.war)









           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Share WAR (i.e. share.war)




               <!-- Bring in a newer version, can coexist with older versions

                    in the WAR disttribution, newest version is picked -->





           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->










To run the new AIO project with the JAR modules applied to respective WAR, step into the AIO directory and execute the following command:

$ cd aio/

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Note the new way of running the project via the alfresco plugin instead of via a Maven profile.

Access the webapps as usual:




The generated AIO project comes with sample code such as Platform Web Script and Share Aikau page.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/share/page/user/admin/dashboard):

The Aikau page also includes a sample Aikau widget.

Using an Enterprise version

If you would like to work with the Alfresco Enterprise Edition, then this requires just a few property changes and a license installation. You also need to have access to the private Alfresco Nexus repos. To configure access to private repos see these docs.

Install an enterprise license, otherwise the server will be in read-only mode. It goes into the following location in main resources (you will have to create directories):

└── src

    └── main

        └── resources

            ├── alfresco

            │   └── extension

            │       └── license

            │           └── Ent5.1-AllEnabled-Exp01012017.lic

The license will be injected into the platform war before it is deployed to Tomcat.

Configure Enterprise version in aio/pom.xml, let’s use Platform version 5.1.1 and Share version 5.1.1 (the surf version is slightly older than the default one in SDK 3), also the platform artifactId changes for Enterprise edition:





If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco511/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 870024 Jul 13 10:49 spring-surf-6.3.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38968 Jul 13 10:51 spring-surf-api-6.3.jar

Change the Alfresco Edition property in the Alfresco Maven plugin configuration to enterprise, this is also done in aio/pom.xml:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

            change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


. . .

Changing this to enterprise helps the Alfresco Maven plugin to pick up the correct database H2 scripts.

Note. there is no longer a need to update any of the run.* scripts to use an Enterprise edition. This was previously necessary when the Enterprise edition was enabled via a profile.

Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

You should see evidence in the logs that your are running Enterprise edition and that license is found:

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,583  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco license: Mode ENTERPRISE, cluster:enabled granted to ness51team limited to 486 days expiring Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2017 (136 days remaining).

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,583  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Server Mode :UNKNOWN

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,591  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco started (Enterprise). Current version: 5.1.1 (r125847-b80) schema 9,029. Originally installed version: 5.1.1 (r125847-b80) schema 9,029.

Access the webapps as usual (username: admin, pwd: admin):



The generated AIO project comes with sample code such as Platform Web Script and Share Aikau page. Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It shows how to create an Aikau page with a custom Aikau widget on it.

So, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.

Using Enterprise Libraries

When you enabled the Enterprise edition via a profile in previous versions of the SDK some extra Enterprise libraries were brought in. Such as the following in the platform AMP:












You will now have to add these manually in the Platform Jar Module (i.e. in aio/aio-platform-jar/pom.xml):


   <!-- The main Alfresco Repo dependency for compiling Java code in src/main/java -->












Using the Platform REST API Explorer

The AIO project has the REST API Explorer version 1.2 deployed when you are running the project. Access it via the http://localhost:8080/api-explorer URL:

With the API Explorer you can try out all the different APIs that are available to manage and manipulate the content in the repository.


Logging happens for each of the web applications. So when building customizations for the Platform application, logging levels for custom code will be configured in a Log4J config file for that application. And when building customizations for the Share application, logging levels for custom code will be configured in a Log4J file for that application.

Platform application logging

When building customizations for the Platform/Repository it is likely that there will be a requirement to support logging at different levels. There are two samples where you can see how logging works. One is in the DemoComponent class where the following snippet of code logs some stuff:

protected void executeInternal() throws Throwable {

   System.out.println("DemoComponent has been executed");

   logger.debug("Test debug logging. Congratulation your JAR Module is working");"This is only for information purpose. Better remove me from the log in Production");


Both the debug log and the info log will be printed when the Alfresco server is started, the aio/alfresco.log file contains the logging:

 2016-09-19 13:49:22,474  INFO  [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] [localhost-startStop-1] Installing module 'aio-platform-jar2' version 1.0-SNAPSHOT.

 DemoComponent has been executed

2016-09-19 13:49:22,483  DEBUG [test.platformsample.DemoComponent] [localhost-startStop-1] Test debug logging. Congratulation your JAR Module is working

 2016-09-19 13:49:22,483  INFO  [test.platformsample.DemoComponent] [localhost-startStop-1] This is only for information purpose. Better remove me from the log in Production

Note. the above logging will only happen the first time you start the server with this component/module installed. It only executes once. To see the log again, you would have to remove the alf_data_dev directory and restart.

There is also logging happening every time you call the Hello World Web Script. The Java controller in the HelloWorldWebScript class does the following logging:

protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl(

       WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache) {

   Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

   model.put("fromJava", "HelloFromJava");

   logger.debug("Your 'Hello World' Web Script was called!");

   return model;


Executing the Web Script at the http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld URL prints the following log:

 2016-09-19 14:00:42,774  DEBUG [test.platformsample.HelloWorldWebScript] [http-bio-8080-exec-12] Your 'Hello World' Web Script was called!

Debug logging for these two classes, DemoComponent and HelloWorldWebScript, is turned on via the aio/src/test/resources/alfresco/extension/ Log4J configuration file. This file is just used during the development of customizations and is not shipped with the produced module artifacts (i.e. JARs). The logging configuration that controls the two sample components is at the end of the file and looks like this:

Share application logging

When building customizations for the Share user interface it is likely that there will be a requirement to support logging at different levels. This can be done by overriding the WEB-INF/classes/ file that is used by the Share application. Unfortunately there is no mechanism to use a custom file somewhere on the classpath (like it is for the platform application with for example

The share-jar projects that are generated from the Maven archetypes does not contain any sample code with logging. So to demonstrate Share custom logging we have to implement something that we can do logging from. Let’s implement a simple evaluator in Java that does some logging. And it in turn will be used by a simple DocLib action.

Start with the evaluator class as follows:

package org.alfresco.test.doclibaction.evaluator;

import org.alfresco.web.evaluator.BaseEvaluator;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.json.simple.JSONObject;


* This evaluator does nothing more than a bit of logging, always returns true


* @author


public class DummyEvaluator extends BaseEvaluator {

   private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DummyEvaluator.class);


   public boolean evaluate(JSONObject jsonObject) {"The Dummy DocLib Evaluator was called!");

       return true;



This evaluator class file lives here in the AIO project: aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/java/org/alfresco/test/doclibaction/evaluator/

Now, the evaluator needs to be registered as a Spring bean, do this in the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/aio-share-jar-slingshot-application-context.xml file:

<!-- An evaluator that will just log a message, and then return true -->

<bean id="alfresco.tutorials.evaluator.dummy"

     class="org.alfresco.test.doclibaction.evaluator.DummyEvaluator" />

Then define the DocLib action that uses this evaluator:

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">


       <action id="alfresco.tutorials.doclib.action.goToGoogle"



               label="Go to Google">

           <param name="href"></param>

           <param name="target">_blank</param>





       <actionGroup id="folder-browse">

           <action index="910" id="alfresco.tutorials.doclib.action.goToGoogle" />




This config lives in the following file: aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/META-INF/share-config-custom.xml

Last thing to do is to configure logging level for the evaluator class. Do this in the aio/src/test/resources/share/ file at the end:

The aio/share.log file should now print logs every time you click around in the Document Library:

2016-10-10 11:53:30,611 INFO  [org.alfresco.test.doclibaction.evaluator.DummyEvaluator] [http-bio-8080-exec-10] The Dummy DocLib Evaluator was called!

2016-10-10 11:53:30,628 INFO  [org.alfresco.test.doclibaction.evaluator.DummyEvaluator] [http-bio-8080-exec-10] The Dummy DocLib Evaluator was called!

There will be one log for every folder listed.

As you might have noticed, the custom file with developer debug logging will always be part of the customized share.war. You might not always want this, such as if this war should be deployed to production. You can then use a property for the Alfresco Maven plugin to control when to override Share







       <!-- We need Share webapp, so we got a UI for working with the Repo -->





Hot reloading

Hot reloading is the ability to modify your application's code, and view the changes without having to restart Alfresco Tomcat. This allows for significant savings in development time that would otherwise be wasted restarting Tomcat. Hot reloading is the key to enabling Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Test Driven Development (TDD).


A Java Agent should be be installed as per this section.

You should have an AIO project generated, see above.


Start the AIO project as follows:

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

You should see evidence in the logs that your are running with JRebel enabled:

2016-08-19 08:54:54 JRebel:  #############################################################

2016-08-19 08:54:54 JRebel:  

2016-08-19 08:54:54 JRebel:  JRebel Agent 6.4.9-SNAPSHOT (201608150832)

2016-08-19 08:54:54 JRebel:  (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround AS, Estonia, Tartu.

2016-08-19 08:59:30 JRebel: Directory '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-platform-jar/target/classes' will be monitored for changes

2016-08-19 09:02:44 JRebel: Monitoring Spring bean definitions in '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-platform-jar/target/classes/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/context/service-context.xml'.

2016-08-19 09:02:44 JRebel: Monitoring Spring bean definitions in '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-platform-jar/target/classes/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/context/bootstrap-context.xml'.

2016-08-19 09:02:44 JRebel: Monitoring Spring bean definitions in '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-platform-jar/target/classes/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/context/webscript-context.xml'.

2016-08-19 09:06:40 JRebel: Directory '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-share-jar/target/classes' will be monitored for changes.

2016-08-19 09:06:59 JRebel: Monitoring Spring bean definitions in '/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio/aio-share-jar/target/classes/alfresco/web-extension/aio-share-jar-slingshot-application-context.xml'.

When reading the logs we can see that JRebel is monitoring classes and Spring contexts for both the Platform JAR Module and the Share JAR module.


To use HotSwap you need to add a file to each custom module in the Maven project. This file is similar to rebel.xml, which is generated automatically by the JRebel Maven plugin, in that it specifies what classpaths and resources that the HotSwap agent should monitor for changes.

Add one of these properties files to the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources directory and one to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources directory. It Should look like this:

# Enable hotswap so that changes in this module will be automatically reloaded

# Watch for changed class files on watchResources path and reload class definition in the running application.



# Add a directory prior to application classpath (load classes and resources).


# This may be useful for example in multi module maven project to load class changes from upstream project

# classes. Set extraClasspath to upstream project compiler output and .class file will have precedence to

# classes from built JAR file.

# i.e. monitor /target/classes

# should work with extraClasspath=${}

# If not try


# Comma separated list of disabled plugins

# Use plugin name - e.g.    

#   Hotswapper, AnonymousClassPatch, WatchResources, Hibernate, Spring, Jersey2, Jetty, Tomcat,

#   ZK, Logback, JSF, Seam, ELResolver, OsgiEquinox, Proxy, WebObjects, Weld, JBossModules, Resteasy, Gae


# Add a directory prior to webapp path (load webapp resources).


# Load web application resources (such as HTML, JSP, CSS, ...) from this directory prior to default processing.

# Use this setting to set to serve resources from source directory directly (e.g. src/main/webapp).


# Load static web resources from different directory.


# This setting is dependent on application server plugin(Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss, ...)


# Watch for changes in a directory (resources only).


# Similar to extraClasspath this property adds classpath when searching for resources (not classes).

# While extra classpath just modifies the classloader, this setting does nothing until the resource

# is really changed.


# Sometimes it is not possible to point extraClasspath to your i.e. src/main/resources, because there are multiple

# replacements of resources in a building step (maven filtering resource option).

# This setting will leave i.e. src/target/classes as default source for resources, but after the resource is modified

# in src/main/resources, the new changed resource is served instead.


Start the AIO project as follows:

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

You should see evidence in the logs that your are running with HotSwap enabled:

martin@gravitonian:~/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

HOTSWAP AGENT: 10:23:44.131 INFO (org.hotswap.agent.HotswapAgent) - Loading Hotswap agent {0.3.0-SNAPSHOT} - unlimited runtime class redefinition.

HOTSWAP AGENT: 10:23:44.601 INFO (org.hotswap.agent.config.PluginRegistry) - Discovered plugins: [Hotswapper, AnonymousClassPatch, WatchResources, Hibernate, Spring, Jersey2, Jetty, Tomcat, ZK, Logback, JSF, Seam, ELResolver, OsgiEquinox, Proxy, WebObjects, Weld, JBossModules, Resteasy, Gae]

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

Hot reloading of Platform extensions

The AIO project comes with a Platform/Repository Web Script that we can try out hot reloading on. The Web Script can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

Basic Platform Web Script hot reloading

As an initial test of hot reloading we will make changes to the Java controller, JavaScript controller, and the FreeMarker template.

Start by changing the JavaScript controller available in the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/extension/templates/webscripts/alfresco/tutorials/helloworld.get.js file:

model["fromJS"] = "Goodbye from JS!";

Then, in a different console window, compile the code for the Platform JAR so we get the new file over into target/classes, where it will be picked up by JRebel (note. you might want to disable JRebel in this console to have the build go faster):

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile

Now, in the browser refresh the Web Script page:

Update the Web Script Template in the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/extension/templates/webscripts/alfresco/tutorials/helloworld.get.html.ftl file:

Message: '${fromJS}' AND '${fromJava}'


Compile the code:

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile

Now, in the browser refresh the Web Script page:

Let’s continue changing the Java controller in the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/java/org/alfresco/test/platformsample/ file:

public class HelloWorldWebScript extends DeclarativeWebScript {

   protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl(

           WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache) {

       Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

       model.put("fromJava", "GoodbyeFromJava");

       return model;



Compile the code:

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile

Now, in the browser refresh the Web Script page:

Reloading Web Resources (JRebel only)

Web resources, such as scripts and HTML, can also be reloaded. There is a sample HTML page in the Platform JAR module called test.html, it looks like this:

Update the content of the page as follows in the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/test.html file:

<h1>This is a Platform webapp page</h1>

Test 123

Compile the code:

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile

Now, in the browser refresh the page:


Spring Context Reloading (JRebel only)

Now let’s add another property to the Spring bean and have it display in the template.

IMPORTANT! This does not work with HotSwap as it does not support Spring XML Context reloading.

Update the bean definition as follows in the

aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/context/webscript-context.xml file:


  <bean id="webscript.alfresco.tutorials.helloworld.get"



     <property name="secretMessage" value="42" />



Then the Java bit in the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/java/org/alfresco/test/platformsample/ file:

public class HelloWorldWebScript extends DeclarativeWebScript {

   private String secretMessage;

   protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl(

           WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache) {

       Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

       model.put("fromJava", "GoodbyeFromJava");

       model.put("fromJava2", secretMessage);

       return model;


   public void setSecretMessage(String secretMessage) {

       this.secretMessage = secretMessage;



And finally the template aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/extension/templates/webscripts/alfresco/tutorials/helloworld.get.html.ftl file:

Message: '${fromJS}' '${fromJava}' '${fromJava2}'

Compile the code:

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile

Now, in the browser refresh the Web Script page:

Pretty cool, right!

Let’s take it one step further and create a new Web Script from scratch. Copy the one we just tested and rename the files as follows, in the same folder:

Then change the files as follows, start with helloworld2.get.desc.xml:


   <shortname>Hello World Sample Webscript</shortname>

   <description>Hands back a greeting</description>



   <format default="html"></format>



Then helloworld2.get.js:

model["fromJS"] = "Hello from JS 2!";

And add a new Java controller by copying the existing one:

And finally add this Java controller as a bean in aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/context/webscript-context.xml:


  <bean id="webscript.alfresco.tutorials.helloworld.get"



     <property name="secretMessage" value="42" />


  <bean id="webscript.alfresco.tutorials.helloworld2.get"



     <property name="secretMessage" value="42" />



Compile the code:

aio/aio-platform-jar$ mvn compile alfresco:refresh-repo

Note here that because we have a brand new Web Script we need to refresh the web script container so it knows about it. This is done via the Alfresco Maven plugin and the alfresco:refresh-repo command.

Now, in the browser access this new Web Script on URL http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld2:

So this is pretty impressive, hot reloading of even new Spring beans and Web Scripts.

Hot reloading of Share extensions

We have seen that hot reloading works great on the Platform side, now let’s look at the Share UI side. We got a sample Aikau page and widget that we can work with:

Let’s change the page title and layout. This is done in theaio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/com/example/pages/simple-page.get.js file:

model.jsonModel = {

   widgets: [{

       id: "SET_PAGE_TITLE",

       name: "alfresco/header/SetTitle",

       config: {

           title: "This is a sample GOODBYE page"





           name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",

           config: {

               widgetWidth: 50,

               widgets: [


                       id: "DEMO_SIMPLE_LOGO",

                       name: "alfresco/logo/Logo",

                       config: {

                           logoClasses: "alfresco-logo-only"




                       id: "DEMO_SIMPLE_MSG",

                       name: "tutorials/widgets/TemplateWidget"






Step into the Share JAR module project and compile the code:

aio/aio-share-jar$ mvn compile alfresco:refresh-share

Note here that because we are making changes to the Surf Web Script controller we need to refresh the web script container so it knows about it. This is done via the Alfresco Maven plugin and the alfresco:refresh-share command. This command also clears certain dependency caches.

Now, in the browser access the Aikau page on URL http://localhost:8080/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page:

All good so far. Let’s update the style, template, and JavaScript code for the Aikau widget and see how that goes:


.my-template-widget {

   border: 3px #000000 solid;

   padding: 1em;

   width: 100px;

   background-color: lightgreen;



hello-label=Goodbye from i18n


<div class="my-template-widget">${greeting} AND ${greeting2}</div>








   function(declare, _Widget, Core, _Templated, template) {

       return declare([_Widget, Core, _Templated], {

           templateString: template,

           i18nRequirements: [ {i18nFile: "./i18n/"} ],

           cssRequirements: [{cssFile:"./css/TemplateWidget.css"}],


           buildRendering: function example_widgets_TemplateWidget__buildRendering() {

               this.greeting = this.message('hello-label');

               this.greeting2 = 'Goodbye';





Compile the code:

aio/aio-share-jar$ mvn compile alfresco:refresh-share

Refresh the Aikau page:

This shows that it is possible to work with hot reloading on the UI side too with good result.



Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

There are a couple of cases when you need to use Alfresco Module Packages (AMPs) instead of JARs. One such case is when an out-of-the-box webapp resource, such as the favicon.ico needs to be overridden. There is no extension path you can use to override this icon, you basically need to replace the file in the original web application with your version.

This can be achieved by using an AMP file, which is overlayed on top of the webapp with the MMT tool, replacing any files on the same path. So to replace the <alfresco-install-dir>/tomcat/webapps/share/favicon.ico file in the Alfresco Share webapp, you need to add your version of the file, with the same name as the original, in the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/assembly/web directory. Then it will then end up in the

/web directory in the AMP file and override the out-of-the-box favicon.ico file when AMP is applied to the Share.war.

For the Share AMP to be applied to the Share.war, and not just a JAR added to the WEB-INF/lib directory, the module dependency needs to be set to amp:













           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








Important! New web resources should not be located here, but instead in the usual place in the src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/<module-id>/ directory.

Another case when an AMP is needed is when your extension is dependent on a 3rd party library that cannot be found in the webapp’s WEB-INF/lib directory. So for example, if you are using a JAR called supercalc-2.0.jar in a platform extension, then this file is not part of the alfresco.war/WEB-INF/lib directory, and can therefore not be included as a provided Maven dependency.

To include Supercalc lib we need to add it to the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/assembly/lib directory. It will then be part of the AMP’s /lib folder and overlayed on top of the alfresco/WEB-INF/lib directory when the MMT tool is used to apply the AMP to the alfresco.war.

For the platform AMP to be applied to the Alfresco.war, and not just a JAR added to the WEB-INF/lib directory, the module dependency needs to be set to amp:














           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








Using a custom context path for the Share webapp

In certain circumstances there might be a requirement to use a custom context path for the Share web application. To do this add the following extra property called shareContextPath:



Adding Custom Webapps when running

When working in larger projects it might sometimes be useful to be able to deploy a custom webapp together with the Alfresco webapps. As we no longer have any runner project with the Tomcat plugin configuration exposed, we now need to facilitate this in another way.

The Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration can now be used for this as in the following example:

















Note that the Alfresco webapps are always deployed via plugin properties, such as enablePlatform and enableSolr. 

Adding Custom System Properties when running

Sometimes when deploying custom webapps as per above description it might be necessary to supply extra system properties for the Tomcat plugin. As we no longer have any runner project with the Tomcat plugin configuration exposed, we now need to facilitate this in another way.

The Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration can now be used for this as in the following example:










This property definition will show up in the Maven build log as follows:

[INFO] Creating Tomcat server configuration at /home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio-plugin/target/tomcat

[INFO] setting SystemProperties:


[INFO]  propName=PropVal

[INFO]  solr.solr.home=/home/martin/src/sdk3/alfresco-sdk-tests/aio-plugin/alf_data_dev/solr

Using Standalone Databases

By default the AIO project is configured to run with the flat file H2 database. This is done via the <enableH2>true</enableH2> Alfresco Maven plugin property. When this property is set to true the H2 database and JDBC driver will automatically be loaded via the Tomcat Maven plugin. And the src/test/properties/local/ file will be used as the file.

Standalone database servers can also be used. The MySQL and PostgreSQL databases can be configured in a similar manner as the H2 database. Other Enterprise databases require a little bit more configuration.

See also official documentation for more information around database configuration.

Using a MySQL Database

To use a local MySQL database follow these steps:

  1. Remove the <enableH2>true</enableH2> property and replace it with the <enableMySQL>true</enableMySQL> Alfresco Maven plugin property. When this property is set to true the MySQL JDBC driver will automatically be loaded via the Tomcat Maven plugin. And the src/test/properties/local/ file will be used as the file.
  2. Then create a database called alfrescoaio in the MySQL server:

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter password:

mysql> create database alfrescoaio default character set utf8;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all on alfrescoaio.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all on alfrescoaio.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

  1. Remove any previous content and data:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/   

  1. Start the server:

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

If you want to use a remote MySQL server then just open up the src/test/properties/local/ file and change the necessary properties.

Using a PostgreSQL Database

To use a local PostgreSQL database follow these steps:

  1. Remove the <enableH2>true</enableH2> property and replace it with the <enablePostgreSQL>true</enablePostgreSQL> Alfresco Maven plugin property. When this property is set to true the PostgreSQL JDBC driver will automatically be loaded via the Tomcat Maven plugin. And the src/test/properties/local/ file will be used as the file.
  2. Then create a database called alfrescoaio in the PostgreSQL server:


WITH OWNER = postgres


TABLESPACE = pg_default

LC_COLLATE = 'English_United Kingdom.1252'

LC_CTYPE = 'English_United Kingdom.1252'



ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md5a963ed7949076827a104ff5522bc496f'


GRANT ALL ON DATABASE alfrescoaio TO public;

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE alfrescoaio TO postgres;

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE alfrescoaio TO alfresco;

Note. Encrypted password for user alfresco is ‘alfresco’

  1. Remove any previous content and data:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/   

  1. Start the server:

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Using an Enterprise Database

To use an Enterprise database such as MS SQL Server or Oracle, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the <enableH2>true</enableH2> property and replace it with the <enableEnterpriseDb>true</enableEnterpriseDb> Alfresco Maven plugin property. When this property is set to true the Alfresco Maven Plugin assumes that the Enterprise database JDBC driver has been configured as a Tomcat dependency. And the src/test/properties/local/ file will be used as the file.
  2. Update the src/test/properties/local/ file with the correct database connection properties for the Enterprise database that will be used, such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 etc
  1. Add the Enterprise database JDBC Driver as a tomcat dependency for the Alfresco Maven Plugin. E.g.:







       <!-- Enable MS SQL Server database -->














  1. Then create a database called alfrescoaio 
  2. Create a user called alfresco with password alfresco
  3. Remove any previous content and data:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/   

  1. Start the server:

aio$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Custom WAR artifacts

As the project does not have any WAR POMs you are probably wondering if the customized WARs that we are running with are available somewhere. They are, in the AIO /target directory you will find the customized WARs:

aio/target$ ls -l

total 206540

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:30 Alfresco

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:23 Alfresco-WebScripts

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 apache-tomcat-maven-plugin

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 dependency-maven-plugin-markers

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 maven-archiver

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 modules

drwxrwxr-x 10 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 platform-war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin 148686740 Aug 18 10:22 platform.war

drwxrwxr-x 14 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 share-war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin  62757939 Aug 18 10:22 share.war

drwxrwxr-x  4 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 test-classes

drwxrwxr-x  6 martin martin      4096 Aug 18 10:22 tomcat

Using older Alfresco versions

It is possible to use this AIO project with older Alfresco versions, such as 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.

By default the SDK 3 AIO project is configured to use Alfresco Platform (alfresco.war) version 5.2.a-EA and Share (share.war) version 5.1.g.

Using Alfresco 5.1

Important! Start from a newly generated SDK 3 AIO project.

Now, let’s try with version 5.1. From this version the Platform webapp and the Share user interface webapp have different version numbering, and the artifactId for the Platform changes. It is not until version 5.2.a-EA of the platform that the version numbers deviate though. Let’s use version 5.1.e:




Note that the Platform and Share UI versions are the same for this release. The Surf version is different from what we have for 5.1.g (share.war), it is 6.3 for 5.1.e instead of 6.5. If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco51f/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 870024 Apr 22 23:33 spring-surf-6.3.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38968 Apr 22 23:34 spring-surf-api-6.3.jar

Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

aio$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapps as usual:



The generated AIO project comes with sample code such as Platform Web Script and Share Aikau page. Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.

Using Alfresco 5.0

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 AIO project.

For Alfresco version 5.0 the alfresco.war, share.war, and surf artifacts have the same version number, such as 5.0.d. To use this version open up the aio/pom.xml file and update the following properties:





Note that the platform war artifactId is different in older versions (Alfresco Maven plugin will handle this, but for consistency it is good to update it).

If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 831228 Mar 19  2015 spring-surf-5.0.d.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38980 Mar 19  2015 spring-surf-api-5.0.d.jar

Also, the Alfresco Share Services AMP that is applied to the platform war (i.e. alfresco.war) was introduced in version 5.1, so we need to remove it/comment it out from the Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

            change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- We always need the Platform/Repo webapp - alfresco.war -->


       <!-- Enable Solr webapp so we can use search -->


       <!-- We need Share webapp, so we got a UI for working with the Repo -->



           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

           (i.e. alfresco.war)











           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Share WAR (i.e. share.war)




               <!-- Bring in a newer version, can coexist with older versions in

                    the WAR disttribution, newest version is picked -->





           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->









Note. the Alfresco Maven Plugin is actually smart enough to know that you are not running a 5.1 version or newer, and will not apply the alfresco-share-services AMP from the above configuration even if you leave it in. It is just more clear when you comment it out. But if you are going to switch back and forth between versions you can leave the AMP config in, the plugin knows when to apply it and when not to.

The Spring Surf project at this time was part of the Spring Framework extensions (now it is an Alfresco project), so we need to update a few dependencies. In the aio/pom.xml comment out the Spring Surf related dependencies as they don’t have different versioning in 5.0.d:



       <!-- This will import the dependencyManagement for all artifacts in the

            selected Alfresco platform.

            NOTE: You still need to define dependencies in your POM, but you can

                  omit version as it's enforced by this dependencyManagement.

            NOTE: It defaults to the latest version this SDK pom has been tested with,

                  but alfresco version can/should be overridden in your project's pom









       <!-- Redefine the following Share dependencies as they

            have different version numbers than platform.

            They are defined in alfresco-platform-distribution... -->






















       <!-- Redefine the following surf dependencies as they have no resolvable version in the

            alfresco-platform-distribution artifact















Also, in the Share JAR project update the Spring Surf API dependency with the Spring Framework group ID, in the file aio/aio-share-jar/pom.xml:











Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

aio$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapps as usual:



The generated AIO project comes with sample code such as Platform Web Script and Share Aikau page. Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties and changing some other XML configuration.

Using Alfresco 4.2

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 AIO project.

So how about going all the way back to 4.2? Is that possible? Yes it is, it is going to require a bit more work but it is possible!

For Alfresco version 4.2 the alfresco.war and share.war artifacts have the same version number, such as 4.2.f. To use this version open up the aio/pom.xml file and update the following properties:




Note that the platform war artifactId is different in older versions.

Also, the Alfresco Share Services AMP that is applied to the platform war (i.e. alfresco.war) was introduced in version 5.1, so we need to remove it/comment it out from the Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

            change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- We always need the Platform/Repo webapp - alfresco.war -->


       <!-- Enable Solr webapp so we can use search -->


       <!-- We need Share webapp, so we got a UI for working with the Repo -->



           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

           (i.e. alfresco.war)











           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->








           JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Share WAR (i.e. share.war)




               <!-- Bring in a newer version, can coexist with older versions in

                    the WAR disttribution, newest version is picked -->





           <!-- Bring in custom Modules -->









Note. the Alfresco Maven Plugin is actually smart enough to know that you are not running a 5.1 version or newer, and will not apply the alfresco-share-services AMP from the above configuration even if you leave it in. It is just more clear when you comment it out. But if you are going to switch back and forth between versions you can leave the AMP config in, the plugin knows when to apply it and when not to.

The way we depend on Share classes and files from the Share AMP is different in version 4.2.f. In the Share JAR project update the dependencies completely, so they look like this instead, in the file aio/aio-share-jar/pom.xml:


   Include libs that the Share JAR extension will use.

   They are mostly provided by Alfresco during runtime so scope should be set as provided

   (if in doubt then check for the lib in tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib,

    if it's there then it's provided).



   <!-- Include JAR that has classes such as BaseEvaluator -->







           <!-- Exclude org.alfresco:alfresco-web-framework-commons:jar:classes:4.2.f

                dependency -->







   <!-- Bring in the correct version of alfresco-web-framework-commons -->








Update indexing subsystem to Solr 1, in aio/src/test/properties/local/ update the following property:

Set database configuration parameters, need to emulate PostgreSQL, in aio/pom.xml:


Finally, change Alfresco module versions to not use SNAPSHOT versions as these are not supported in 4.2, update both the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/ file and the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/aio-share-jar/ file:


Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

aio$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

aio$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapps as usual:


http://localhost:8080/alfresco (Alfresco Explorer is available in 4.2):

The generated AIO project comes with sample code such as Platform Web Script and Share Aikau page.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8080/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was not that complicated, it’s a bit more work for 4.2 but doable.

Platform JAR Modules

This section covers how to use the new SDK 3 Platform JAR Module project.

Generating from Maven Archetype

To generate a project based on the Platform JAR Maven archetype do the following (make sure Maven environment is setup properly):

martin@gravitonian:~$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:


Choose archetype:

1: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

2: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project for All-in-One development on the Alfresco plaftorm. Includes modules for: Repository WAR overlay, Repository AMP, Share WAR overlay, Solr configuration, and embedded Tomcat runner)

3: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:share-amp-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module


4: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-platform-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Platform/Repository JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

5: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-share-jar-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module


6: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:activiti-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Activiti JARs)

Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): : 4

Define value for property 'groupId': : org.alfresco.test

Define value for property 'artifactId': : platform-jar

[INFO] Using property: version = 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Define value for property 'package':  org.alfresco.test: :  <hit enter>

Confirm properties configuration:

groupId: org.alfresco.test

artifactId: platform-jar

version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

package: org.alfresco.test

 Y: : <hit enter>

Here we choose the first archetype (4) called alfresco-platform-jar-archetype. Then we specify Maven groupId and artifactId for the new project, this can be whatever you like. We use the same Java package path as groupId.

This generates a project structure as follows:


├── debug.bat


├── pom.xml


├── run.bat


└── src

    ├── main

    │   ├── assembly

    │   │   ├── amp.xml

    │   │   ├──

    │   │   ├── lib

    │   │   │   └──

    │   │   └── web

    │   │       └──

    │   ├── java

    │   │   └── org

    │   │       └── alfresco

    │   │           └── test

    │   │               └── platformsample

    │   │                   ├──

    │   │                   ├──

    │   │                   └──

    │   └── resources

    │       ├── alfresco

    │       │   ├── extension

    │       │   │   └── templates

    │       │   │       └── webscripts

    │       │   │           └── alfresco

    │       │   │               └── tutorials

    │       │   │                   ├── helloworld.get.desc.xml

    │       │   │                   ├── helloworld.get.html.ftl

    │       │   │                   └── helloworld.get.js

    │       │   └── module

    │       │       └── platform-jar

    │       │           ├──

    │       │           ├── context

    │       │           │   ├── bootstrap-context.xml

    │       │           │   ├── service-context.xml

    │       │           │   └── webscript-context.xml

    │       │           ├── messages

    │       │           │   └──

    │       │           ├── model

    │       │           │   ├── content-model.xml

    │       │           │   └── workflow-model.xml

    │       │           ├── module-context.xml

    │       │           ├──

    │       │           └── workflow

    │       │               └── sample-process.bpmn20.xml

    │       └── META-INF

    │           └── resources

    │               └── test.html

    └── test

        ├── java

        │   └── org

        │       └── alfresco

        │           └── test

        ├── license

        │   └──

        ├── properties

        │   └── local

        │       ├──

        │       ├──

        │       ├──

        │       └──

        └── resources

            ├── alfresco

            │   └── extension

            │       ├──

            │       └── disable-webscript-caching-context.xml

            └── tomcat

                └── context-solr.xml

The alfresco/extension and alfresco/module directories are probably familiar to most people, but the location of them is a bit different from when the SDK used AMPs. All the webapp assembly and runner logic is now also handled by the Alfresco Maven Plugin. So you are probably thinking, if there are no WAR projects and no amp-to-war profile (the project does not extend an SDK parent POM with profiles), how do I configure what JARs and AMPs that should be applied to the standard alfresco.war?

The Alfresco Maven Plugin now provides an extra configuration section <platformModules> where you can specify what modules should be applied to the Alfresco.WAR file:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition, change to

            'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- This is a platform extension JAR, so we need the platform

             webapp (alfresco.war) -->


       <!-- Enable Solr so we can use search, our Repo extension probably need search -->


       <!-- We don't need the share.war if we don't have any UI extensions -->



          JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

          (i.e. alfresco.war)

          No need to include our self...



           <!-- This AMP is needed if we are going to access the platform webapp

                from a Share webapp -->











To run the new Platform JAR project, step into the directory and execute the following command:

$ cd platform-jar/

platform-jar$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Note the new way of running the project via the alfresco plugin instead of via a Maven profile.

Access the webapp as usual, although there is not much webapp going on for the Alfresco.war:


The generated Platform JAR project comes with sample code for a Web Script.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

Using an Enterprise version

If you would like to work with the Alfresco Enterprise Edition, then this requires just a few property changes and a license installation. You also need to have access to the private Alfresco Nexus repos. To configure access to private repos see these docs.

Install an enterprise license, otherwise the server will be in read-only mode. It goes into the following location in main resources (you will have to create the license directory):

└── src

    └── main

        └── resources

            ├── alfresco

            │   └── extension

            │       └── license

            │           └── Ent5.1-AllEnabled-Exp01012017.lic

The license will be injected into the platform war before it is deployed to Tomcat.

Configure Enterprise version in pom.xml, let’s use Platform version 5.1.1. The platform artifactId changes for Enterprise edition:




Note that we are setting the share version too, this is so we can apply the correct version of the alfresco-share-services AMP.

Change the Alfresco Edition property in the Alfresco Maven plugin configuration to enterprise, this is also done in pom.xml:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

            change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


. . .

Changing this to enterprise helps the Alfresco Maven plugin to pick up the correct database H2 scripts.

Note. there is no longer a need to update any of the run.* scripts to use an Enterprise edition. This was previously necessary when the Enterprise edition was enabled via a profile.

Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

platform-jar$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

platform-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

You should see evidence in the logs that your are running Enterprise edition and that license is found:

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,583  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco license: Mode ENTERPRISE, cluster:enabled granted to ness51team limited to 486 days expiring Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2017 (136 days remaining).

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,583  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Server Mode :UNKNOWN

 2016-08-18 18:41:33,591  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco started (Enterprise). Current version: 5.1.1 (r125847-b80) schema 9,029. Originally installed version: 5.1.1 (r125847-b80) schema 9,029.

Access the webapp as usual (username: admin, pwd: admin).


The generated Platform JAR project comes with a sample Web Script.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

Changing to Alfresco Enterprise version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.

Using Enterprise Libraries

When you enabled the Enterprise edition via a profile in previous versions of the SDK some extra Enterprise libraries were brought in. Such as the following in the platform AMP:












You will now have to add these manually to the Platform Jar Module pom.xml:


   <!-- The main Alfresco Repo dependency for compiling Java code in src/main/java -->












Using the REST API Explorer

This is described in this section.


See the platform logging section in the AIO docs.



Hot reloading

Hot reloading for platform extensions are described in detail in this section.

Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

This is described in detail in this section.

Adding Custom Webapps when running

This is described in detail in this section.  

Adding Custom System Properties when running

This is described in detail in this section.



Using Standalone Databases

This is described in detail in this section.

Custom WAR artifact

As the project does not have any WAR POM you are probably wondering if the customized WAR that we are running with is available somewhere. It is, in the /target directory you will find the customized WAR:

platform-jar/target$ ls -l

total 157848

drwxrwxr-x  4 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:13 Alfresco

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:08 Alfresco-WebScripts

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:05 apache-tomcat-maven-plugin

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 archive-tmp

drwxrwxr-x  5 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 classes

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:05 dependency-maven-plugin-markers

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 maven-archiver

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 maven-status

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 modules

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin         15619 Aug 19 15:04 platform-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin         19446 Aug 19 15:04 platform-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

drwxrwxr-x 11 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 platform-war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin 161544116 Aug 19 15:05 platform.war

drwxrwxr-x  4 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:04 test-classes

drwxrwxr-x  6 martin martin          4096 Aug 19 15:05 tomcat

Using older Alfresco versions

It is possible to use this Platform JAR project with older Alfresco versions, such as 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.

By default the SDK 3 Platform JAR project is configured to use Alfresco Platform (alfresco.war) version 5.2.a-EA and Share Services 5.1.g.

Using Alfresco 5.1

Important! Start from a newly generated SDK 3 Platform JAR project.

Now, let’s try with version 5.1. From this version the Platform webapp and the Share user interface webapp have different version numbering, and the artifactId for the Platform changes. It is not until version 5.2.a-EA of the platform that the version numbers deviate though. Let’s use version 5.1.e. To use this version open up the pom.xml file and update the following properties:



Note that the Platform and Share UI versions are the same for this release.

Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

platform-jar$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

platform-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapps as usual:


The generated Platform JAR project comes with sample Web Script.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

So, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.

Using Alfresco 5.0

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 Platform JAR project.

For Alfresco version 5.0 the alfresco.war and share.war have the same version number, such as 5.0.d. To use this version open up the pom.xml file and update the following properties:




Note that the platform war artifactId is different in older versions (Alfresco Maven plugin will handle this, but for consistency it is good to update it).

Also, the Alfresco Share Services AMP that is applied to the platform war (i.e. alfresco.war) was introduced in version 5.1, so we need to remove it/comment it out from the Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition, change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- This is a platform extension JAR, so we need the platform webapp (alfresco.war) -->


       <!-- Enable Solr so we can use search, our Repo extension probably need search -->


       <!-- We don't need the share.war if we don't have any UI extensions -->



          JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

          (i.e. alfresco.war)

          No need to include our self...



           <!-- This AMP is needed if we are going to access the platform webapp from a Share webapp











Note. the Alfresco Maven Plugin is actually smart enough to know that you are not running a 5.1 version or newer, and will not apply the alfresco-share-services AMP from the above configuration even if you leave it in. It is just more clear when you comment it out. But if you are going to switch back and forth between versions you can leave the AMP config in, the plugin knows when to apply it and when not to.

Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

platform-jar$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

platform-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual:


The generated Platform JAR project comes with a sample Web Script.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties and changing some other XML configuration.

Using Alfresco 4.2

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 Platform JAR project.

So how about going all the way back to 4.2? Is that possible? Yes it is, it is going to require a bit more work but it is possible!

For Alfresco version 4.2 the alfresco.war and share.war artifacts have the same version number, such as 4.2.f. To use this version open up the pom.xml file and update the following properties:




Note that the platform war artifactId is different in older versions.

Also, the Alfresco Share Services AMP that is applied to the platform war (i.e. alfresco.war) was introduced in version 5.1, so we need to remove it/comment it out from the Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition, change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run the Repo -->


       <!-- This is a platform extension JAR, so we need the platform webapp (alfresco.war) -->


       <!-- Enable Solr so we can use search, our Repo extension probably need search -->


       <!-- We don't need the share.war if we don't have any UI extensions -->



          JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Platform/Repository WAR

          (i.e. alfresco.war)

          No need to include our self...



           <!-- This AMP is needed if we are going to access the platform webapp from a Share webapp











Note. the Alfresco Maven Plugin is actually smart enough to know that you are not running a 5.1 version or newer, and will not apply the alfresco-share-services AMP from the above configuration even if you leave it in. It is just more clear when you comment it out. But if you are going to switch back and forth between versions you can leave the AMP config in, the plugin knows when to apply it and when not to.

Update indexing subsystem to Solr 1, in src/test/properties/local/ update the following property:

Set database configuration parameters, need to emulate PostgreSQL, in pom.xml:


Finally, change Alfresco module versions to not use SNAPSHOT versions as these are not supported in 4.2, update the src/main/resources/alfresco/module/platform-jar/ file:


Now delete the alf_data_dev directory and restart:

platform-jar$ rm -rf alf_data_dev/

platform-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual:

http://localhost:8080/alfresco (Alfresco Explorer is available in 4.2):

The generated Platform JAR project comes with a sample Web Script.

Try out the Web Script as follows (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/sample/helloworld):

It uses both a Java and JavaScript controller.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was not that complicated, it’s a bit more work for 4.2 but doable.

Share JAR Modules

This section covers how to use the new SDK 3 Share Jar project.

Generating from Maven Archetype

To generate a project based on the Share JAR Maven archetype do the following (make sure Maven environment is setup properly):

martin@gravitonian:~$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:


Choose archetype:

1: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

2: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project for All-in-One development on the Alfresco plaftorm. Includes modules for: Repository WAR overlay, Repository AMP, Share WAR overlay, Solr configuration, and embedded Tomcat runner)

3: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:share-amp-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module


4: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-platform-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Platform/Repository JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

5: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-share-jar-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module


6: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:activiti-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Activiti JARs)

Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): : 5

Define value for property 'groupId': : org.alfresco.test

Define value for property 'artifactId': : share-jar

[INFO] Using property: version = 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Define value for property 'package':  org.alfresco.test: :  <hit enter>

Confirm properties configuration:

groupId: org.alfresco.test

artifactId: share-jar

version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

package: org.alfresco.test

 Y: : <hit enter>

Here we choose the first archetype (5) called alfresco-share-jar-archetype. Then we specify Maven groupId and artifactId for the new project, this can be whatever you like. We use the same Java package path as groupId.

This generates a project structure as follows:


├── debug.bat


├── pom.xml


├── run.bat


└── src

    ├── main

    │   ├── assembly

    │   │   ├── amp.xml

    │   │   ├──

    │   │   ├── lib

    │   │   │   └──

    │   │   └── web

    │   │       └──

    │   ├── java

    │   │   └── org

    │   │       └── alfresco

    │   │           └── test

    │   └── resources

    │       ├── alfresco

    │       │   ├── module

    │       │   │   └── share-jar

    │       │   │       └──

    │       │   └── web-extension

    │       │       ├── messages

    │       │       │   └──

    │       │       ├── share-jar-slingshot-application-context.xml

    │       │       ├── site-data

    │       │       │   └── extensions

    │       │       │       └── share-jar-example-widgets.xml

    │       │       └── site-webscripts

    │       │           ├── com

    │       │           │   └── example

    │       │           │       └── pages

    │       │           │           ├── simple-page.get.desc.xml

    │       │           │           ├── simple-page.get.html.ftl

    │       │           │           └── simple-page.get.js

    │       │           └── org

    │       │               └── alfresco

    │       │                   └──

    │       └── META-INF

    │           ├── resources

    │           │   └── share-jar

    │           │       └── js

    │           │           └── tutorials

    │           │               └── widgets

    │           │                   ├── css

    │           │                   │   └── TemplateWidget.css

    │           │                   ├── i18n

    │           │                   │   └──

    │           │                   ├── templates

    │           │                   │   └── TemplateWidget.html

    │           │                   └── TemplateWidget.js

    │           └── share-config-custom.xml

    └── test

        ├── java

        │   └── org

        │       └── alfresco

        │           └── test

        └── resources

The alfresco/web-extension and alfresco/module directories are probably familiar to most people, but the location of them is a bit different from when the SDK used AMPs. Also, best practice now also says that web resources should go in under META-INF/resources/<module-id>. All the webapp assembly and runner logic is now also handled by the Alfresco Maven Plugin. So you are probably thinking, if there are no WAR projects and no amp-to-war profile (the project does not extend an SDK parent POM with profiles), how do I configure what JARs and AMPs that should be applied to the standard share.war?

The Alfresco Maven Plugin now provides an extra configuration section <shareModules> where you can specify what modules should be applied to the Share.WAR file:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition, change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


       <!-- We assume that the platform/repository is already running on localhost:8080 -->




       <!-- Enable the Share webapp, which is what we customize with Share JAR modules -->



          JARs and AMPs that should be overlayed/applied to the Share WAR

          (i.e. share.war)

          No need to include our self...




               <!-- Bring in a newer version, can coexist with older versions in the WAR disttribution,

                    newest version is picked. -->









Before you can run the Share JAR  project you need to have an Alfresco Platform server running that it can talk to. The easiest way to do that is probably to generate and run a Platform JAR project.

To run the new Share JAR project step into the directory and execute the following command:

$ cd share-jar/

share-jar$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Note the new way of running the project via the alfresco plugin instead of via a Maven profile.

Access the webapp as usual, note the port 8081:



The generated Share JAR project comes with a sample code Aikau page.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8081/share/page/user/admin/dashboard):

The Aikau page also includes a sample Aikau widget.

Using an Enterprise version

If you would like to work with the Alfresco Enterprise Edition, then this requires just a few property changes. You also need to have access to the private Alfresco Nexus repos. To configure access to private repos see these docs.

Configure Enterprise version in pom.xml, let’s use Share version 5.1.1 (the surf version is slightly older than the default one in SDK 3):



If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco511/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 870024 Jul 13 10:49 spring-surf-6.3.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38968 Jul 13 10:51 spring-surf-api-6.3.jar

Change the Alfresco Edition property in the Alfresco Maven plugin configuration to enterprise, this is also done in pom.xml:






       <!-- Default is to run with a Community edition,

            change to 'enterprise' if using Enterprise edition -->


. . .

Note. there is no longer a need to update any of the run.* scripts to use an Enterprise edition. This was previously necessary when the Enterprise edition was enabled via a profile.

Now restart:

share-jar$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual (username: admin, pwd: admin):


The generated Share JAR project comes with a sample Aikau page.

The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8081/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It shows how to create an Aikau page with a custom Aikau widget on it.

So, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.


See the share logging section in the AIO docs

Hot reloading

Hot reloading  for share extensions are described in detail in this section.

Overriding Web Resources and Adding 3rd party Libraries (Using AMPs)

This is described in detail in this section.

Using a custom context path for the Share webapp

This is described in this section.  

Adding Custom Webapps when running

This is described in detail in this section.  

Adding Custom System Properties when running

This is described in detail in this section.



Custom WAR artifacts

As the project does not have any WAR POMs you are probably wondering if the customized WAR that we are running with is available somewhere. It is, in the /target directory you will find the customized WAR:

share-jar/target$ ls -l

total 87744

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:09 apache-tomcat-maven-plugin

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:08 archive-tmp

drwxrwxr-x  4 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:07 classes

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:08 dependency-maven-plugin-markers

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:08 maven-archiver

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:07 maven-status

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin     8902 Aug 19 16:08 share-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin    13203 Aug 19 16:08 share-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

drwxrwxr-x 14 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:08 share-war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin 89783248 Aug 19 16:09 share.war

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:07 test-classes

drwxrwxr-x  6 martin martin     4096 Aug 19 16:09 tomcat

Using older Alfresco versions

It is possible to use this Share JAR project with older Alfresco versions, such as 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.

By default the SDK 3 Share JAR project is configured to use Share (share.war) version 5.1.g.

Using Alfresco 5.1

Important! Start from a newly generated SDK 3 Share JAR project.

Now, let’s try with version 5.1. Let’s use version 5.1.e:



The Surf version is different from what we have for 5.1.g (share.war), it is 6.3 for 5.1.e instead of 6.5. If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco51f/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 870024 Apr 22 23:33 spring-surf-6.3.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38968 Apr 22 23:34 spring-surf-api-6.3.jar

Now restart:

share-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual:


The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8081/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties.

Using Alfresco 5.0

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 Share JAR project.

For Alfresco version 5.0 the share.war and surf artifacts have the same version number, such as 5.0.d. To use this version open up the pom.xml file and update the following properties:



If you are unclear of what Surf version that is used, then install the Alfresco version you will be using and do a search in WEB-INF/lib as follows:

martin@gravitonian:/opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib$ ls -l *surf*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 831228 Mar 19  2015 spring-surf-5.0.d.jar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin  38980 Mar 19  2015 spring-surf-api-5.0.d.jar

The Spring Surf project at this time was part of the Spring Framework extensions (now it is an Alfresco project). Update the Spring Surf API dependency with the Spring Framework group ID, in the file pom.xml:














Now restart:

share-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual:


The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8081/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was very easy, basically just updating a few properties and changing some other XML configuration.

Using Alfresco 4.2

Important! Start from newly generated SDK 3 Share JAR project.

So how about going all the way back to 4.2? Is that possible? Yes it is, it is going to require a bit more work but it is possible!

For Alfresco version 4.2 we will try version 4.2.f. To use this version open up the pom.xml file and update the following properties:


The way we depend on Share classes and files from the Share JAR is different in version 4.2.f. In the Share JAR project update the dependencies completely, so they look like this instead, in the file pom.xml:


   Include libs that the Share JAR extension will use.

   They are mostly provided by Alfresco during runtime so scope should be set as provided

   (if in doubt then check for the lib in tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib,

    if it's there then it's provided).



   <!-- Include JAR that has classes such as BaseEvaluator -->







           <!-- Exclude org.alfresco:alfresco-web-framework-commons:jar:classes:4.2.f

                dependency -->







   <!-- Bring in the correct version of alfresco-web-framework-commons -->








Finally, change Alfresco module versions to not use SNAPSHOT versions as these are not supported in 4.2, update src/main/resources/alfresco/module/share-jar/ file:


Now restart:

share-jar$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true alfresco:run

Access the webapp as usual:


The Aikau page can be accessed as follows (http://localhost:8081/share/page/hdp/ws/simple-page):

It includes a sample Aikau widget.

So again, changing Alfresco version and running was not that complicated, it’s a bit more work for 4.2 but doable.

Activiti JAR Modules

This section covers how to use the new SDK 3 Activiti Enterprise JAR Module project. Note. It has not yet been tested with the Activiti Open Source version.

Make sure the Maven environment is setup properly. And that you have the Alfresco Activiti private Nexus repo login in your settings.xml:











The username and password can be requested via Activiti Enterprise Support.

Generating from Maven Archetype

To generate a project based on the Activiti JAR Maven archetype do the following:

$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:

Choose archetype:

1: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

2: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project for All-in-One development on the Alfresco plaftorm. Includes modules for: Repository WAR overlay, Repository AMP, Share WAR overlay, Solr configuration, and embedded Tomcat runner)

3: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:share-amp-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco Module


4: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-platform-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Platform/Repository JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))

5: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-share-jar-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module


6: -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:activiti-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Activiti JARs)

Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): : 6

Define value for property 'groupId': : org.alfresco.test

Define value for property 'artifactId': : activiti-jar

[INFO] Using property: version = 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Define value for property 'package':  org.alfresco.test: :  <hit enter>

Confirm properties configuration:

groupId: org.alfresco.test

artifactId: activiti-jar

version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

package: org.alfresco.test

 Y: : <hit enter>

Here we choose the first archetype (6) called activiti-jar-archetype. Then we specify Maven groupId and artifactId for the new project, this can be whatever you like. We use the same Java package path as groupId.

This generates a project structure as follows:


├── debug.bat


├── pom.xml


├── run.bat


└── src

    ├── main

    │   ├── java

    │   │   └── org

    │   │       └── alfresco

    │   │           └── test

    │   │               └── tasks

    │   │                   └── service

    │   │                       └──

    │   └── resources

    │       └── apps

    │           └── helloworld

    │               ├── bpmn-models

    │               │   ├── Hello World-2005.bpmn20.xml

    │               │   ├── Hello World-2005.json

    │               │   └── Hello World-2005.png

    │               ├── decision-table-models

    │               │   ├── Decide What Greeting-2007.json

    │               │   └── Decide What Greeting-2007.png

    │               ├── form-models

    │               │   ├── Hello World Start-2006.json

    │               │   └── Hello World Start-2006.png

    │               └── Hello World.json

    └── test

        ├── java

        │   └── org

        │       └── alfresco

        │           └── test

        ├── license

        │   └──

        └── resources





The project contains a sample Hello World Activiti application. The application contains a business process definition, a form, and a decision table. The structure matches what you get in an application ZIP exported from the Activiti user interface. There is also a Service Task Java delegate implementation included.

The test files contains configuration for running Activiti Enterprise locally.  All the webapp assembly and runner logic is handled by the Alfresco Maven Plugin. So you are probably thinking, if there is no WAR project, how do I configure what JARs that should be applied to the standard activiti-app.war (i.e. with classes for service task delegates, task listeners etc)?

The Alfresco Maven Plugin provides a configuration section <activitiModules> where you can specify what modules should be applied to the Activiti-app.WAR file:






       <!-- We need the flat file H2 database to run Activiti -->


       <!-- Bring in the Activiti Workflow Engine and Management webapp

             (i.e. activiti-app.war) -->


       <!-- Optionally bring in the Activiti Admin App (i.e. activiti-admin.war) -->


       <!-- Disable all Alfresco ECM apps by default -->






          JARs that should be overlayed/applied to the Activiti App WAR

          (i.e. activiti-app.war)



           <!-- Bring in this JAR project -->









It is possible to also deploy the activiti-admin.war webapp when running, just set the <enableActivitiAdmin> property to true.

Applying a license file

This project is configured to run with an Alfresco Activiti Enterprise edition. So it will not work to start it up without a proper Enterprise license applied. Add the license to the following directory in the Maven project structure:

└── src

    └── test

        ├── license

        │   ├── activiti.lic

        │   └──


To run the new Activiti JAR project, step into the directory and execute the following command:

$ cd activiti-jar/

activiti-jar$ mvn clean install alfresco:run

This will build the following two artefacts in the /target directory:

  • activiti-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - containing any service task Java implementation, task listener implementations etc.
  • - containing the Activiti Application, with the workflow definition, forms, decision tables etc. This file can be deployed directly to the Activiti engine via the Activiti App UI.

The Alfresco Maven plugin will assemble the activiti-app.war with the activiti-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar applied. Note. the Activiti application is not automatically deployed, it needs to be done manually via the UI, see later on.

Access the Activiti webapp with the following URL:


Login with The password can be changed via the activiti-jar/src/test/resources/ configuration file. After a successful login the following Activiti home page is shown:

The page shows a number of tiles/portlets/dashlets, or whatever you want to call them. Each one represents an Activiti application. We can deploy our HelloWorld application, which was assembled as a zip during the build, by clicking on the Kickstart App:

And then on the Apps menu item, which will show us all installed process applications:

Click on the Import App button in the upper right corner to import our HelloWorld app:

Select the ZIP project artifact.

If all goes well we should now see the Hello World application imported. We cannot however use it yet. It needs to be published as a certain version before we can try out the Hello World process that it represent. Click the Publish button and answer yes to publish the application. If we now navigate to the Activiti home page again we should see our new application:

Click on the Hello World application:

From this page we can start new HelloWorld workflow instances, we can see any tasks assigned to logged in user related to any HelloWorld workflow instance (note. The HelloWorld workflow does not have any user tasks…), inspect completed HelloWorld workflow instances etc.

To start a new HelloWorld workflow instance click on the START menu item:

The Workflow start form is very simple and just asks for two values, a greeting string and a time of day value from a dropdown. Ones we have filled them out we can click on the START PROCESS button to kick things off:

This workflow only have a start task and then a service task and a script task. So it completes without further interaction. And we can inspect the decision table result and other variables.

Looking at the logs should reveal printouts from both the Service Task and the Script task:

02:03:58,175 [http-bio-8080-exec-5] INFO  com.activiti.dmn.engine.impl.deployer.DmnDeployer  - Processing resource decidewhatgreeting.dmn

02:03:58,208 [http-bio-8080-exec-5] INFO  org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer  - Processing resource helloworld.bpmn

02:10:49,496 [http-bio-8080-exec-5] DEBUG org.alfresco.test.tasks.service.HelloWorldServiceTask  - Hello World from the Java Service Task!

Hello World from JavaScript task:

Good Day!  Administrator

You entered 'Hello World!' as a greeting text.

Updating the HelloWorld application

Any updates to the HelloWorld application, whether it be the process defintion, form definition, decision table etc. should be done from the Activiti App UI. Then export the application files from the UI and update your build project. This is specifically important if you change the process definition (BPMN 2) as it will be present in both a JSON file and in a .bpmn20.xml file in an Activiti application.

After some part of an application has been updated it need to be published again for it to take effect.


Set logging levels in the activiti-jar/src/test/resources/ file. The log file can be found here: activiti-jar/target/activiti.log

Hot reloading




Using Standalone Databases


Custom WAR artifact

As the project does not have any WAR POM you are probably wondering if the customized WAR that we are running with is available somewhere. It is, in the /target directory you will find the customized WAR:

activiti-jar/target$ ls -l

total 170432

drwxrwxr-x 16 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 activitiApp-war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin 174437488 Sep 30 13:49 activitiApp.war

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin      5959 Sep 30 13:49 activiti-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin     13024 Sep 30 13:49

-rw-rw-r--  1 martin martin     16287 Sep 30 14:19 activiti.log

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 apache-tomcat-maven-plugin

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 classes

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 dependency-maven-plugin-markers

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 generated-sources

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 maven-archiver

drwxrwxr-x  3 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 maven-status

drwxrwxr-x  2 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:49 test-classes

drwxrwxr-x  6 martin martin      4096 Sep 30 13:50 tomcat

Upgrading previous SDK 2.2 projects to SDK 3

This sections covers upgrading SDK 2.2 projects to SDK 3.0


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       <package name="acmedashlets" location="resources/add-aikau-dashlet-share/js/tutorials/dashlets"/>

       <package name="acmewidgets" location="resources/add-aikau-dashlet-share/js/tutorials/dashlets/widgets"/>



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