Alfresco Share Enterprise 3.1 Features

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Alfresco Share Enterprise 3.1 Features

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The following provides details of all the major features in the Alfresco Share 3.1 release.

Personal Dashboards

  • Dashboard Layout Templates - Multi-column layout templates
  • Drag and Drop Dashboard Configuration - Add, remove, and position dashlets on your personal dashboard using drag and drop
  • Out-of-the-box dashlets:
    • Getting Started - Help and guidance for new Share users
    • Documents I'm Editing - List of documents checked out to the current user
    • My Tasks - Outstanding workflow tasks
    • RSS Feed - Display any RSS feed on your dashboard
    • My Limited Profile - Displays a summary of your user profile
    • My Calendar - Rolled up view of all calendar events for all your sites
    • My Sites Activities - Rolled up view of all the activities for the sites of which you are a member
    • My Sites - Create new sites and access to sites of which you are a member, tag sites as favorites for quick access
    • My Workspaces - Provides access to Shared Document Workspaces created via the Sharepoint Protocol Integration
    • Web View - Allows any Web page to be displayed within the dashlet
    • Alfresco Network - Access to the Alfresco Network for Enterprise customers

Site Dashboards

  • Dashboard Layout Templates - Multi-column layout templates
  • Drag and Drop Dashboard Configuration - Site managers can add, remove and position dashlets on the Site dashboard using drag and drop
  • Out-of-the-box dashlets:
    • Site Calendar - Summary of the upcoming scheduled events for the site
    • Site Activities - See the recent changes that have taken place across the site
    • Getting Started - Help, guidance, and tutorial for new Share users
    • Web View - Allows any Web page to be displayed on the Site dashboard 
    • Site Colleagues - Find and view rich profiles for site colleagues
    • Site Links - Manage useful links to any internal or external URLs
    • Site Wiki - Display the contents of any Site wiki page on the site dashboard
    • Recently Modified Documents - Easily find the documents modified within the past 7 days
    • Site Profile - Description of the site
    • RSS Feed - Display contens of any RSS feed

Site Management

  • Customizable Page Components - Simple definition of the collaboration components required for your site such as Document Library, Wiki, Blog, Calendar
  • Site Finder - Search for Public sites; request to via moderated joining process, quick access to favorite sites
  • Site Members - Invite existing users or new (non-registered) users to join site; Automatic registration for new users; Manage site invites pending, accepted, and cancel invites
  • Site Details - Site name, description, public/private site setting (see below)
  • Public and Private Sites - Allow/disallow read-only browsing of sites for non-site members

Site Component - Document Library

  • Multi-file upload - Bulk upload multiple files in a single operation
  • Dynamic Filters - Filter the list of files based on Tags, Recently added/modified files you/others are editing
  • Hierarchical (Tree) folder navigation
  • Rich Document Metadata - including Name, Title, Description, Mimetype, and Tags
  • Version Control - Simple update process, major/minor versions, version comments, version history
  • Commenting
  • Thumbnails - Automatic generation for wide-range of formats including MSOffice, OpenOffice, Image, and PDF
  • Flash Previews - Full Flash based document previews including thumnails, zoom and full screen view, no download or client application launch required
  • Multi-Select Operations - Move/copy multiple items in a single operation
  • RSS Feed for recent changes
  • Fine grained permissions

Site Component - Blog

  • Blog posting to Site and External Blogs - Post blogs as draft, to the site and/or to external blogging sites including TypePad and WordPress
  • Dymamic Filters - Filter list of blog post based on Tags, Drafts, Latest, Published Internally/Externally, and Published Date
  • Commenting - Commenting support against blog posts
  • Blog Archives - Find old posts based on published dates
  • RSS Feed for latest blog posts

Site Component - Calendar

  • Manage events related to your sites
  • Multiple Views - Day/Week/Month/Agenda
  • Event Tagging - Tagging and filtering of events
  • iCal Support - Add calendar entries to your desktop calendar

Site Component - Discussions

  • Threaded Discussions - Post topic and replies
  • Dynamic Filtering - Tags/New/Most Active/All/My Topics
  • RSS Feed for latest discussions

Site Component - Wiki

  • Simple Page Creation - GUI driven page editing with resizable edit window and full screen mode
  • Cross-page Linking - Standard wiki markup for page linking such as [[My Target Page]]
  • Automatic Target Page Creation - Clicking a link to a target that doesn't exist yet opens the target page for editing
  • Dynamic Page Filtering - Tags/Recently Modified/Recently Added/My Pages/Main Page
  • Automatic Versioning and History - Updates automatically versioned
  • Revert to previous version - reinstate a previous version as the current version
  • Redirect on Rename - Automatic redirect links when the target page has been renamed

Site Component - Links

  • Capture links to internal and/or external web pages
  • Tag and comment on links
  • Links available via Site Links dashlet


  • Google Style Simple Search - Single search box searches across all site content including metadata and full text
  • Individual or All Sites - Search within a particular site or across all sites

User Experience

  • AJAX using Yahoo YUI Library
  • Drag and Drop Layouts
  • Thumbnails and Flash Previews
  • Dynamic Panel Resizing
  • User-friendly URLs

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