Application Areas

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Application Areas

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The official documentation is at:

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Note: this area is out of date

Application Areas

This is a list of Application areas and functions mapped from the UI.
This list will get updated on a regular basis, but if you spot an omission please add it to the bottom of the list for review and inclusion.

  • Login

  • Authenticated Login
    • Select Language
  • NTLM / LDAP Passthrough Login
  • Guest Login / Access

Company Space

  • My Home (logged in user's set home location)
  • Company Home
  • Help
  • Login (guest only)
  • Logout
  • Hide/Show shelf


  • Simple Search
    • All Items
    • File Names and Contents
    • File Names only
    • Space Names only
  • Advanced Search:
    • Look For
    • Show me results for:
      • All Items
      • File Names and Contents
      • File Names only
      • Space Names only
    • Look in Location:
      • Repository Root
      • Specific Space (space picker) + (inc/excl child spaces)
    • Show me results in the categories
      • Category list (category picker) + (inc/excl sub-categories)
    • More Search Options
      • Content Type
      • Content Format
      • Title
      • Description
      • Author
      • Modified Date: [Y/N]
        • From (date picker)
        • To (date picker)
      • Created Date: [Y/N]
        • From (date picker)
        • To (date picker)
      • Additional Options
        • - any custom search attributes
    • Reset All
    • Saved Searched (Select a saved search from the list)
  • Search Results
    • New Search
    • Save Search
      • Name
      • Description
    • Close Search


  • Clipboard:
    • Paste
    • Paste All
    • Remove
    • Remove All
  • Recent Spaces
  • Shortcuts
    • Delete Shortcut


  • Create Space
  • Add Content
    • Allow Inline Editing (for HTML docs + text docs)
  • Create Content
  • More >>
  • View Details
  • Delete Space
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Paste All
  • Advanced Space Wizard
    • From Scratch
      • Space Type:
      • Folder Space
      • Forum Space
    • Based on an existing space
    • Using a template
    • Save as template
  • Manage Space Users
  • Manage Content Rules
  • Administration Console (see below)

Administration Console

  • Manage System Users
    • Create User
    • Modify User
    • Change Password
    • Delete User
  • Manage User Groups (Pro & Ent)
    • Actions
      • Create group
      • Create Sub-group
      • Add User
      • View Group
      • Delete
    • Filter
      • Children
      • All
    • View
      • Groups
      • Details
  • Category management
    • Add Category
    • Modify Category
    • Delete Category
  • Import
  • Export
  • System Information
  • Node Browser (to be removed and bundled as its own client?)


  • Details View
  • Icon View
  • Browse View
  • Dashboard View (once a space has a template associated)

Space Details

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Delete
  • More >>
    • Import
    • Export
    • Create Shortcut
    • Manage Space Users
    • Start Discussion
    • Preview in Template
  • Dashboard View
    • Apply Dashboard
    • Modify
    • Remove
  • Properties
    • Edit Properties
  • Links
    • View in WebDAV
    • View in CIFS
    • External Access URL
    • Alfresco Node Browser (to be removed?)
  • Rules
    • Modify
    • View Rules
  • Navigation:
    • Next Item
    • Previous Item

Browse Spaces

  • Navigate spaces
  • Next Page
  • Last Page
  • Previous Page
  • First Page
  • Page links
  • Column Sorting
  • Actions (dependant on permissions)
    • Preview in Template
    • View Discussions (if space has a discussion attached)
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • View Details
    • >> (More)
      • Delete
      • Start Discussion

Content Items

(All depends on correct permissions)

  • View
  • Edit
  • Check-Out (to current location / to another space) (If checked in)
  • Check-In (if checked out)
  • View Discussion (if document has a discussion attached)
  • View Details
  • Preview in Template
  • >> ( More)
    • Delete (if not checked out)
    • Update
    • Undo Check Out (if checked out)
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Start Discussion (if no existing discussion)

Content Details

Actions (depends on permissions):

  • Check out (if not checked out)
    • In the current space
    • In the space selected + select a space
  • Check-in (if checked out)
    • Minor Change (Y/N)
    • Check in changes and keep file checked out
    • Working copy location - Use copy in current space
    • Working copy location - Use copy uploaded from my computer
      • Upload document
  • Undo Check out (if checked out)
  • Edit
  • Update
    • Local copy location + upload
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Delete (if not checked out)
  • Take Ownership
  • Manage Content Users (Pro and Ent)
  • Create Shortcut
  • Start Discussion
  • Preview in Template
  • Run Action
    • see the 'Action' list, from the 'Content Rules' section below
  • Navigation:
    • Next Item
    • Previous Item
  • Links
    • View In Browser
    • View in WebDAV
    • View in CIFS
    • Download Content
    • External Access URL
    • Alfresco Node Reference
  • Properties
    • Edit Properties
    • Allow Inline Editing
  • Workflow
  • (With workflow attached)
    • Edit Workflow
    • Workflow applied - Approve
    • Workflow applied - Reject
  • Category
    • Allow categorisation
    • Change Category
  • Version History
    • Allow Versioning
    • View previous version

Forum Spaces & Forums

Forum Space:

  • Actions:
    • Create Forum Space
    • Create Forum
    • View Details
    • More >>
      • Delete Forum Space
      • Cut
      • Copy
      • Paste All
      • Manage Space Users
      • Import
      • Export
  • View
    • Details View
    • Icon View
    • Browse View
  • Browse Forum Spaces and Forums
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • View Details


  • Actions:
    • Create Topic
      • Topic Properties:
      • Subject
      • Choose Icon
      • Message
    • View Details
    • Delete Forum
    • More >>
      • Cut
      • Copy
      • Paste All
      • Manage Space Users
  • View:
    • Details View
  • Browse Topics:
    • View Topic
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • View Properties


  • Actions:
    • Post to Topic
    • View Details
    • Delete Topic
    • More >>
      • Cut
      • Copy
      • Paste All
      • Manage Space Users
  • Browse Posts
    • Post Reply
    • Edit Post
    • Delete Post
    • Paging
  • View:
    • Details View
    • Bubble View (when there are posts)

Content Rules

  • Create Rule:
    • Type: Inbound or Outbound
    • Title
    • Description
    • Apply rule to sub spaces (Y/N)
    • Run rule in background (Y/N)
  • Condition:
    • All Items
    • Items of a specified type or its sub-types
      • Type (Content, Folder)
      • Check the item does not match the criteria above (Y/N)
    • Items that have a specified aspect applied
      • Aspect (as below)
      • Check the item does not match the criteria above (Y/N)
    • Items which contain a specific value in its name
      • File name pattern
      • Check the item does not match the criteria above (Y/N)
    • Items with the specified category value
      • Select Category
      • Check the item does not match the criteria above (Y/N)
    • Items with the specified mime type
      • Type: (Mime type list)
      • Check the item does not match the criteria above (Y/N)
  • Action:
    • Add aspect to content:
      • Classifiable
      • Complianceable
      • Dublin Core
      • Effectivity
      • Localizable
      • Summarizable
      • Templatable
      • Translatable
      • Versionable
    • Add simple workflow to content
      • Approve Flow - move or copy to space
      • Reject Flow (optional) - move or copy to space
    • Check in content
      • Add version notes
      • Minor Change (Y/N)
    • Check out content
      • Check out location
    • Copy item to a specific location
      • Destination
    • Extract common metadata fields from content
    • Import an alfresco content package
      • Destination
    • Link item to category
      • Category
    • Move item to a specific space
      • Destination
    • Send an email to specified users
      • Subject, Message and To.
    • Specialise the type of an item
      • Select required feature: Content or Dictionary Model
    • Transform and copy content to a specific space
      • Required format (Adobe PDF, GIF Image, HTML, JPEG Image, Plain Text, Shockwave Flash, XML)
      • Destination
    • Transform and copy image to a specific space
  • Change Details
  • Delete
  • Filter Contents:
    • Local
    • Inherited

Other Functional Areas

  • Import and Export (now integrated in client)
  • CIFS interface
  • FTP Interface
  • Security - NTLM plugin & LDAP Plugin
  • Clustering
  • API
  • Guest Access
  • Patch process