Auto Basic Func Check 14

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Auto Basic Func Check 14

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Test Scripts
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Simple Verification Tests

These tests have been updated so they run on Alfresco 1.4, and are not backwards compatible.


These tests check the basic functionality found within Alfresco


The test performs the following:

  • Logs in as newly created Test user
  • Creates a new Space within the users home space
  • Uploads some HTML content (and checks the filename and mime type are set correctly)
  • Checks that the content is set to be inline-editable (the default for HTML)
  • Once the content is imported, views text of the file to ensure it is correct
  • Views the content's details
    • Checks that the version history has not been enabled
  • Checks the file out
    • validates that a Working Copy has been created
    • Modifies the content of the Working Copy
    • Saves the changes
  • Checks the file back in
    • Validates that the Working Copy has been removed
  • Views the content's details
    • Checks that there is no version history (because the version history has not been enabled)
    • Clicks the 'Allow Versioning' link to enable versioning for the document
    • Checks that an initial Version has been created
  • Checks the file out
    • validates that a Working Copy has been created
    • Modifies the content of the Working Copy
    • Saves the changes
  • Checks the file back in (including adding a note to the version)
  • Views the content's details
    • Checks that there is a new version that includes the note
    • Closes the content details screen

Automated Script

You can download the script for your own use from the Alfresco Forge.

Future Enhancements

These include updating the script with some more simple checks of the basic core functionality.