Build and Deploy WAR JBossPortal

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Build and Deploy WAR JBossPortal

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The official documentation is at:


How to deploy Alfresco 2.0X HEAD to JBossPortal2.4.1 or JBossPortal2.6

Firstly it should be noted that for 2.0 we did not provide JBoss bundles with portal and Alfresco - as it seems to confuse people rather than help, also we needed to fix a few things in 2.0 final before it would work correctly in portal.

Note that also these instructions assume you have already created the 'alfresco' schema in MySQL and have set the appropriate database permissions, if not see the first few steps here:

  1. You need an SVN client, then checkout the Alfresco HEAD code revision number 574 from our public SVN - you need to do this as the fixes to allow Alfresco 2.0 to deploy on JBossPortal 2.4 were committed as of revision number 574. Note that you may prefer to checkout the most current revision, but there may have been other potentially (unstable) changes since then.
  2. Set an environment variable called JBOSS_HOME to point to the root of your JBossPortal2.4.1 installation.
  3. Build the Alfresco source using the 'build-jboss' ANT build target from inside the root\common directory. This creates a WAR which is basically the same as the usual TomCat WAR with the JSR-168 portal deployment files included in WEB-INF. Once complete the build target will have deployed the WAR to your JBossPortal installation and copied over the MySQL driver also.
  4. This step is needed for JBossAS4.0.5+JBossPortal2.4.1 or JBossPortal2.6 or if you have a later revision of HEAD code than 574: Open the jboss/server/default/deploy/alfresco.war file in an archival tool and remove (and extract for later) the two jsf*.jar files from the WEB-INF/lib folder inside the WAR. Then update the jsf jar files in jboss/server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/jsf-libs with the ones extracted from the alfresco WAR.
  5. Edit the file jboss/bin/run.bat (or and add the following flags to the JAVA_OPTS line:
    -server -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

  6. Edit the file jboss/server/default/conf/log4j.xml as per the instructions in steps 9-11 here:
  7. Execute run.bat (or
  8. The portal should start and deploy alfresco OK, wait for the portal to start completely.
  9. Navigate to the url: http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/default/Alfresco