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The official documentation is at:

Third Party ExtensionsDITADocBookXMLPublishing

Componize for Alfresco adds XML Content Management and Publishing capabilities to Alfresco. It transforms XML's potential (notably DITA XML) into real value in terms of content reuse, translation, multichannel publishing, team productivity and content quality improvements.


Componize for Alfresco is an out-of-the-box solution that combines Alfresco with the powerful XML management and publishing capabilities of Componize.

  • Quickly publish your content to several channels with our XProc implementation: with a few clicks, you can launch several publications in parallel, using standard or custom style sheets, to produce an extensible range of publications, from popular HTML and PDF to various business formats such as Web Help, Eclipse Help, EPUB, Microsoft CHM, and Word RTF.
  • Manage all links in your content: whenever you rename or move a document, all references to that document are automatically updated.
  • Easily find content among thousands of XML files: Componize provides innovative solutions for automatic categorization and tagging of your content. You can search for content using advanced techniques such as faceted search, tag clouds, and category browsing.

Licensing Model: Named/Concurrent
Hosting model: On permises/Cloud-based

Componize specific features are explained in this document:
[Componize: Component Content Management in Alfresco]


Technology partners provide additional capabilities.
Componize Integration partners take care of the projects in Europe, North America, and Asia.


  • Natively compatible with DITA XML and Docbook XML.
  • Easily extensible to add support for other DTDs
  • Componize is seamlessly integrated into Alfresco interfaces
  • One-click multi-channel publication and content processing
  • Customizable processing and publishing pipelines with the standard XProc pipeline language or custom XSLT style sheets.
  • Automated link management (links, back links and broken links) and orphaned files identification
  • Content map and dependencies import/export
  • Metadata extraction and injection
  • Automated metadata based categorization and tagging
  • Faceted navigation and search, tag clouds and category browser
  • Integrates online XML editor (oXygen component)
  • Git-like branching and merging
  • Fast archiving of content collections
  • Fix and republish previously released content
  • Open APIs: Componize public Java API and Public Rest API
  • Integrates with continuous integration servers

All standard Alfresco ECM services also apply to XML content :
collaboration, advanced workflow, auditing, content rules, permissions, versioning, advanced search...

Componize supports multiple editors and engines

  • Structured Adobe FrameMaker 10 and later
  • Content Mapper - a MS Word plugin developped by Simply XML
  • oXygen Editor / Author desktop version
  • oXygen Author component - an online version of the desktop editor
  • DITAworks
  • XMetaL JustSystems
  • XMAX JustSystems

Integrators habe also embedded other editors, ask Componize about your tools.

Access content in the Alfresco repository using standard access protocols

  • WebDAV
  • CIFS Windows Network Share
  • JCF (JSF-170)
  • FTP
  • CMIS
  • NFS
  • XMLSmiley Very HappyB


Componize's screenshots



  • DITA 1.2 (incl. keys and learning & training)
  • Custom DTDs/Schemas
  • DocBook 3 to 4.5
  • XML Catalogs


  • CSS
  • MathML
  • RDF
  • XLink
  • XML Schema
  • XMLSmiley Very HappyB* XProc XML Pipeline
  • XQuery 1.0
  • XSLT Versions 2.0 and 1.0
  • XSL-FO

Open formats

  • DITA
  • DocBook
  • EPUB
  • PDF
  • RTF

Requirements and supported platforms

System Requirements:  Componize runs on any system that can run Alfresco

Supported Platforms for version 2.0

  • Java (Sun JDK 1.7.0 update 25 (64 bits)
  • Application server (Apache Tomcat 7.0.52)
  • Database server (MySQL 5.5.38)

Alfresco Version: Entreprise 4.1.3 (97), 4.2.2 (r70245-b51)  and Alfresco Community 4.2.0 (r63893-b12) - 4.2.f

Supported Platforms for version 1.6

  • Java (Sun JDK 1.6.0 update 33, 64 bits)
  • Application server (Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 server)
  • Database server (MySQL 5.5.16 server)

Alfresco Version: Enterprise 4.1.3 and Alfresco Community 4.2.c

Supported Platforms for version 1.5

  • Java (Sun JDK 1.6.0 update 27, 64 bits)
  • Application server (Apache Tomcat 6.0.29 server)
  • Database server (MySQL 5.5.16 server)

Alfresco Version: Enterprise 4.0 and Alfresco Community 4.0 c

Contact us for earlier versions.

Download case studies

Check customer stories, brochures and datasheets
(French and English)

Showcase videos and webinars



More: info [at] componize [dot] com

Ask a trial: sales [at] componize [dot] com


Phone Number: +33 (0) 9 64 15 18 24

France (UTC+1) Aix-en-Provence