Legacy Source Code

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Legacy Source Code

5 27 41.4K

Current Source Code Location

Alfresco maintains multiple source code repositories for different parts of our products. In general, public open source code lives in the Alfresco organization on GitHub, and private proprietary code is kept in our internal GitLab instance. The correct code repository for a product is listed on the Project Overview page for that open source project. See: Project Overview: Content Services‌ and ‌


You may not need to check out code because Apache Maven and the Alfresco SDK will obtain code for you.


Legacy Source Code

This page contains instructions for accessing legacy source code using Subversion, which was the tool previously used by Alfresco Engineering. These code repositories are no longer updated in SVN, as development has moved to Git.


Checking out and building HEAD has changed a lot over the history of Alfresco Content Services. See:

* Updated information on building and running Alfresco


Subversion: https://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror


There are old mirrors from Subversion to Github which are no longer used, but provide some historical pull requests:


For access to the enterprise code please contact Alfresco support for an account.  You need to be an enterprise customer or member of Alfresco Engineering.


Checking Out from Subversion


To check out the latest HEAD revision use the following command line:

svn co http://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD


If you are after a proxy, and your svn client can not pass through it, you can download a copy of the whole site with the command wget like this:

wget -r http://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD/


In case of error like :

Error * PROPFIND request failed on '/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD' PROPFIND of '/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD': 500 Server Error (http://svn.alfresco.com)

you can use the HTTPS alternate url instead