Limited Download Tickets Extension

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Limited Download Tickets Extension

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Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}

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  • A authorised user can send a limited download URL to a user or non-user of the Alfresco repository.
  • The issuer of the limited download URL can specify the number of allowed downloads, the expiry date, the version available for download and other pertinent data.
  • The issued URL will provide the recipient with a rights to download the referenced content for a limited time period or a limited number of times.
  • Once the time period has passed or the number of download exceeded the URL is no longer valid.
  • Data about when and who downloaded information using a limited download URL should be stored.
  • The security of the Alfresco repository must not be compromised though the introduction of this extension.



  • When a ticket is created its details are stored in a node attached to the content for which it is relevant.
  • Since more than one ticket can be created for a content node, an aspect is used to model the collection of tickets associated with a content node.
  • The aspect is applied the first time a ticket is generated, with subsequent ticket being added to the child association modeled by the aspect.
  • The details of any downloads made against each ticket are stored in a download details node associated as a child of the ticket.

Model Details:

Name: LimitedDownloadTicket
Prefix: ldt

Limited Download Ticket Aspect:

<aspect name='ldt:limitedDownloadTickets'>

   <title>Limited Download Tickets</title>


      <child-association name='ldt:tickets'>






Limited Download Ticket Type:

<type name='ltd:limitedDownloadTicket'>

   <title>Limited Download Ticket</title>


      <property name='ltd:ticketString'>

      <property name='ltd:password'>

      <property name='ltd:invitingDate'>

      <property name='ltd:toAddress'>

      <property name='ltd:sentBy'>

      <property name='ltd:expireDate'>

      <property name='ltd:versionLabel'>


   <child-association name='ldt:downloads'>




Download Details Type:

<type name='ltd:downloadDetails'>

   <title>Download Details</title>



      <property name='ldt:downloadDate'>

      <property name='ldt:downloadedVersionLabel'>




Download Mechanism

UI Extensions


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