NodeRef cookbook

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NodeRef cookbook

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The official documentation is at:

CookbookJava_APIDeveloper Guide
The NodeRef object is a unique reference to a Node, the object that represents locations and resources within an Alfresco repository. 

Custom Actions will provide you with a NodeRef of the resource or space that the action is acting on.  Once you have it, though, what do you do with it?

This page is the opening index for a list of things that you can do with a NodeRef.  If a question looks like 'How do I use a NodeRef to...' then it probably belongs here.  Hopefully some kindly developers will stop by and fill in some answers.

Some services are required, you can get them this way:

       ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) beanFactory.getBean(ServiceRegistry.SERVICE_REGISTRY);
       NodeService nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
       ContentService contentService = serviceRegistry.getContentService();
       FileFolderService fileFolderService = serviceRegistry.getFileFolderService();

Table of Contents

Using NodeService

Getting a file name from a NodeRef

       String fileName = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);

Reading a property of a node

The property may come from an aspect or not. You will probably want to cast to the appropriate type.

       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myProperty');
       value = nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY);

Updating a property of a node

The property may come from an aspect or not.

       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myProperty');
       nodeService.setProperty(nodeRef, PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY, value);

Getting the parent of a NodeRef

       ChildAssociationRef childAssociationRef = nodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef);
       NodeRef parent = childAssociationRef.getParentRef();

Adding an aspect to a node

Supposing the 'MyAspect' aspect defines a 'myProperty' property in the 'custom.model' namespace.

       QName CUSTOM_ASPECT_QNAME = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'MyAspect');
       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myProperty');
       Map<QName,Serializable> aspectValues = new HashMap<QName,Serializable>();
       aspectValues.put(PROP_QNAME_MY_PROPERTY, value);
       nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, CUSTOM_ASPECT_QNAME, aspectValues);

Checking whether a node has a given aspect

       QName CUSTOM_ASPECT_QNAME = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'MyAspect');
       boolean hasAspect = nodeService.hasAspect(node, CUSTOM_ASPECT_QNAME);

Looping through children of a NodeRef

       List<ChildAssociationRef> children = nodeService.getChildAssocs(companyHome);
       for (ChildAssociationRef childAssoc : children) {
           NodeRef childNodeRef = childAssoc.getChildRef();
           // Use childNodeRef here.

Creating a child association between two existing NodeRef

       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_CHILD_ASSOCIATION = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myChildAssociation');
       nodeService.addChild(parentNodeRef, childNodeRef, PROP_QNAME_MY_CHILD_ASSOCIATION, PROP_QNAME_MY_CHILD_ASSOCIATION);

Creating an association between two NodeRef

       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_ASSOCIATION = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myAssociation');
       nodeService.createAssociation(sourceNodeRef, targetNodeRef, PROP_QNAME_MY_ASSOCIATION);

Setting the type of a node

       QName PROP_QNAME_MY_TYPE = QName.createQName('custom.model', 'myType');
       nodeService.setType(finalOriginal, MY_TYPE);

Getting the MIME type of a node

       ContentData contentData = (ContentData) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
       String originalMimeType = contentData.getMimetype();

Adding a category to a node

       ArrayList<NodeRef> categories = new ArrayList<NodeRef>(1);
       if(!nodeService.hasAspect(targetNode, ContentModel.ASPECT_GEN_CLASSIFIABLE)
           HashMap<QName, Serializable> props = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
           props.put(ContentModel.PROP_CATEGORIES, categories);
           nodeService.addAspect(targetNode, ContentModel.ASPECT_GEN_CLASSIFIABLE, props);
           nodeService.setProperty(targetNode, ContentModel.PROP_CATEGORIES, categories);

Getting the categories of a node

       List<NodeRef> categories = (List<NodeRef>) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CATEGORIES);

Deleting a node for real (not recycle bin)

       nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_TEMPORARY, null);

Using ContentService

Reading the data content of a NodeRef (plain text)

       ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
       String content = reader.getContentString();

Reading the data content of a NodeRef (binary)

       ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
       InputStream originalInputStream = reader.getContentInputStream();
       ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       final int BUF_SIZE = 1

Writing data to a node's content

       ContentWriter writer = contentService.getWriter(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true);
       writer.putContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));

Writing a file's data to a node's content

       ContentWriter writer = contentService.getWriter(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true);
       File file = new File('c:/temp/images/BigCheese1.bmp');

Transforming a PPT to PDF

       ContentReader pptReader = contentService.getReader(pptNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
       ContentWriter pdfWriter = contentService.getWriter(pdfNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true);
       ContentTransformer pptToPdfTransformer =
           contentService.getTransformer(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PPT, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PDF);
       pptToPdfTransformer.transform(pptReader, pdfWriter);

Note: It also works for many other file formats.

Using FileFolderService

Creating a PDF (or other document)

       QName contentQName = QName.createQName('{}content');
       FileInfo pdfInfo = fileFolderService.create(directory, filename, contentQName);
       NodeRef pdf = pdfInfo.getNodeRef();

Note: The content is empty and has to be filled with the file's data, for instance like this.

Using WorkflowService

Starting a workflow instance for a node

       NodeRef workflowPackage = workflowService.createPackage(null);
       nodeService.addChild(workflowPackage, nodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS,
               (String)getNodeService().getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME))));
       Map<QName, Serializable> workflowProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(16);
       workflowProps.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_PACKAGE, workflowPackage);
       WorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition = workflowService.getDefinitionByName('jbpm$myworkflow');
       getWorkflowService().startWorkflow(workflowDefinition.getId(), workflowProps);

Getting the workflow instances running for a node

       List<WorkflowInstance> workflowInstances = workflowService.getWorkflowsForContent(nodeRef, true);

Using PermissionService

Set permissions to a user on a node

       permissionService.setPermission(nodeRef, 'NameOfUser...', PermissionService.COORDINATOR, true);

Using RuleService and ActionService

Set Rule on a node

This sample add a rule on the nodeRef. This rule starts an action (which needs a parameter) but starts only if the new nodeRef (RuleType.INBOUND) is a content (Condition).

       import java.util.HashMap;
       import java.util.Map;
       import org.alfresco.repo.action.evaluator.CompareMimeTypeEvaluator;
       import org.alfresco.repo.action.evaluator.HasAspectEvaluator;
       import org.alfresco.repo.action.evaluator.IsSubTypeEvaluator;
       import org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.MoveActionExecuter;
       import org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.SpecialiseTypeActionExecuter;
       import org.alfresco.repo.content.MimetypeMap;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.Action;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.ActionService;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.CompositeAction;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.rule.Rule;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.rule.RuleService;
       import org.alfresco.service.cmr.rule.RuleType;
       import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName;
       import org.alfresco.web.bean.actions.handlers.SpecialiseTypeHandler;
       import org.alfresco.web.bean.actions.handlers.MoveHandler;
       import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
       // Add Rule
       Rule rule = new Rule();
       rule.setDescription('Make ....');
       CompositeAction compositeAction = actionService.createCompositeAction();
       // Conditions for the Rule
       Map<String, Serializable> actionMap = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
       actionMap.put(IsSubTypeEvaluator.PARAM_TYPE, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
       compositeAction.addActionCondition(actionService.createActionCondition(IsSubTypeEvaluator.NAME, actionMap));
       // Action
       Action myAction= actionService.createAction('Name of my action...');
       // Parameters for the action
       // See next sample...
       // Save the rule
       ruleService.saveRule(nodeRef, rule);

  • Conditions for the Rule
    • If you need other conditions than IsSubTypeEvaluator.NAME ('is-subtype') : look at org.alfresco.repo.action.evaluator.X
  • Action
    • If you need to use the Alfresco Actions : look at the source : org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.X

Set Rule on a node with action having parameters

This sample shows how to add rule with an action having parameters. An action having parameters has a 'Handler' class. Next sample starts the Alfresco action 'Move : Move item to a specific space'.

       // Add Rule
       Rule rule = new Rule();
       rule.setDescription('Make ....');
       CompositeAction compositeAction = actionService.createCompositeAction();
       // Conditions for the Rule
       Map<String, Serializable> actionMap = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
       actionMap.put(IsSubTypeEvaluator.PARAM_TYPE, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
       compositeAction.addActionCondition(actionService.createActionCondition(IsSubTypeEvaluator.NAME, actionMap));
       // Action
       Action myAction= actionService.createAction(MoveActionExecuter.NAME);
       // Parameters for the action
       Map<String, Serializable> actionProps = compositeAction.getParameterValues();
       actionProps.put('destinationLocation', destNodeRef);
       Map<String, Serializable> repoProps = compositeAction.getParameterValues();
       (new MoveHandler()).prepareForSave(actionProps,repoProps);
       // Save the rule
       ruleService.saveRule(nodeRef, rule);

  • Parameters for the action
    • the Alfresco parameters actions are stored at : org.alfresco.web.bean.actions.handlers.X. See here if you don't know the name of the param to use.
    • If you use your own action (with parameters) you need to use your handler method : (new yourActionHandler).prepareForSave(...)

Obtaining a NodeRef

Getting a NodeRef from its path

       StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, 'SpacesStore');
       ResultSet rs = searchService.query(storeRef, SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE, 'PATH:\'/app:company_home/app:user_homes/sys:boris/cm:mypics\'');
       NodeRef companyHomeNodeRef = null;
           if (rs.length() == 0)
               throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException('Didn't find Company Home');
           companyHomeNodeRef = rs.getNodeRef(0);