Product Roadmap 2015

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Product Roadmap 2015

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This roadmap is for Alfresco One Enterprise Edition and Alfresco Community Edition. It does not cover our other products. It communicates our intentions for calendar year 2015, which corresponds with our Fiscal Year 2016.

Alfresco is an open source company that is committed to open innovation and transparency. Though our plans are always changing in response to customer input, market evolution and development constraints, this page is a point-in-time snapshot of our current efforts. You can see our actual progress through our source control and our [issue tracker].

Unless otherwise noted, In development projects have engineering teams currently assigned. Backlog projects have been scoped and are ready to be started. Keep in mind that in an agile development environment the relative priorities may change throughout the development process. We may not complete all of the items on this list. We might drop a feature because:

  • We need to make room for an effort that we believe will be more valuable to our customers,
  • A feature is difficult or time-consuming to implement, and needs to be deferred or canceled.

For each project, we list whether it will likely be released as open source (OS) as part of Community Edition and Enterprise Edition, be kept proprietary (P) as part of Enterprise Edition only, or is undecided (U). Our plans around licensing for a specific feature may change at any time before release.


Disclaimer from Our Legal Department:

The information contained herein is intended to outline general product direction and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.

The content is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract.

The information presented is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality.

Any references to the development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for these products remains at Alfresco’s sole discretion.

Product capabilities, timeframes and features are subject to change and should not be viewed as Alfresco commitments.

Previously Released

For features and products released previously:



  • Ease User Adoption
    • Expand use cases
    • User Centric Applications
  • Increase Security and Efficiency
    • Simplify application creation and configuration
    • ID and Authentication
    • Additional Mobile Device Management vendors support
    • Out-of-the-Box Experience
    • Easier deployment, migration, upgrades, backups, and maintenance
  • Open, Modern, Hybrid Infrastructure
    • Open integrations
    • Improved Public/Private API lifecycle
    • Release Agility: separate release cycles for different parts of our platform
    • Extreme Scalability: ensure againsts growing content needs and expand hybrid use cases

We also want to improve the way we work by:

  • Communicating better and more regularly
  • Iterating faster in the initial stages of a project
  • Building a top-level team for User Interaction and Design
  • Getting additional customer validation projects
  • Planning and prioritizing better through a significant increase in our product management team

If you have feedback on any of the items in this list of themes, or want to participate in how we design these solutions, please contact us at

Recent Product Releases

Records Management Module 2.3 for Alfresco One 5.0 (OS)

MS Office integration through AOS (P currently)

MS Outlook integration (P)

Enterprise Reporting and Analytics (P):

  • Popular content report
  • User activities report– most active users, least active users
  • Site activity level report – most active sites, least active sites
  • Process status report
  • Task status report
  • Users with overdue tasks report
  • Custom reports

Alfresco Activiti 1.2 (P)

Google Docs integration 3.0 (OS)

  • Upgrade of Google Docs integration utilizing the Google Drive API

Media Management Module 1.0 (P currently)

  • Remote Media Transforms
  • HTML5 Video Player
  • Storyboard Thumbnails
  • Navigable Timeline Comments
  • Pan and Zoom Images in Preview
  • Image manipulation – Crop, rotate
  • GEO Tagged View
  • CDN Integration
  • Collections/Lightboxes

Alfresco Mobile for Android 1.5 (OS)

  • App Configuration to show only the menu items you want
  • Profiles that can be created by Administrators for different groups of users to show specific menu items including shortcuts to files, people, sites, and tasks
  • Alfresco Widgets for quick access to essential content or one tap capture of photos and text from the home screen
  • Integration with the Fujitsu SDK to scan directly to your repository with Fujitsu™ ScanSnap® wireless scanners
  • Multiple UI updates, including swiping from the bezel to access the menu and pull down to refresh lists
  • Compatibility with Android for Work (including AirWatch)

Alfresco Mobile for iOS 2.1 (OS)

  • Support for the iOS 8 Document Provider App Extension to directly edit, upload and download documents in any compatible app (this allows you to use Microsoft Word™, Excel™ or PowerPoint™ to edit and save a new version of an Office document in Alfresco or use a PDF editor such as PDF Expert™ to annotate or sign a document directly in Alfresco)
  • Restored the option to search the full content text is back
  • Support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus resolutions
  • Improved in-app text editing behaviour
  • Direct access to online help
  • Support for Apple Configurator and third party Mobile App Management tools including AirWatch

If you are interested in MobileIron versions of these apps, please contact mobile AT alfresco com.


Content Management

In development:

  • Query based virtual folders (OS)
  • Easy content modeling (OS): End users with the appropriate rights will be able to define customized content models through a simple user interface without using XML.
  • Revised site invitation workflow (OS)
  • Improved Share UX (OS)
  • EFSS reference apps (U)

Current backlog:

  • Auto classification of new content added to a virtual folder (OS)
  • Metadata propagation and property mapping (OS)
  • Apply multiple taxonomies on existing content at runtime (OS)
  • Expose more Solr4 (U)
  • SAML2 (U)
  • Improved handling of metadata (OS)
    • Provide metadata when adding content
    • Forms to edit metadata Search
    • Search forms to query for cases and content
  • Section 508 accessibility (OS)
  • Case management in Share (OS)
  • Role based apps and UI (OS)
  • Multiple documents batch processing (OS)

Extended Enterprise Direction—Clients

In development:

  • Enterprise-grade desktop sync server for Alfresco on-premise (P)
    • Sites and Folder level synchronization
    • Conflict management
    • Automatic version control
  • Desktop Sync client for Windows (P)
  • Desktop Sync client for Mac (P)
  • Alfresco Mobile for Android: New Google Material Design implementation (OS)
  • Alfresco Mobile for Android: Migration of Sync selection method from Alfresco Favorites to any file or folder (OS)
  • Alfresco Mobile for Android: Searching for sites (OS)
  • Alfresco Mobile for iOS: App Configuration to show only the menu items you want (OS)
  • Alfresco Mobile for iOS: Profiles that can be created by Administrators for different groups of users to show specific menu items including shortcuts to files, people, sites, and tasks (OS)
  • Alfresco Mobile for iOS: New Grid View (OS)
  • Additional MDM certifications (P)

Current backlog:

  • Activiti integration (U)

Extended Enterprise Direction—Integrations

In development:

  • Salesforce integration 2.0 (P)

Current backlog:

  • AOS as a proprietary module in Community Edition (P)
  • We are currently evaluating integrations with Box, DropBox, Office 365, and Evernote. We have not yet made decisions about this.
  • We are also looking at improved integrations with SharePoint, Google Drive / Google for Work.

Compliance Management

In development:

  • Content classification, security clearance, and enforcement: allowing any content to be given a classification and determining what classified content can be seen by users (OS)
  • Classified records lifecycle, including policy management and declassification reviews (OS)

Current backlog:

  • Recertify to DOD 5015.2 (OS)
  • Certify to DOD 5015.2 Chap 3 (OS)
  • Folders as records (OS)
  • Cleansing content metadata (OS)

Core Platform

In development:

  • Upgrade task force (U)
  • Move Share to its own code lifecycle with its own repository (OS)
  • Build Enterprise Edition as a Community Edition add-on (OS)
  • Enforce extension contracts for supportable modules (OS)
  • Better defined extension points for Platform and Share (OS)
  • Improve SDK and developer tooling (OS)
  • Extreme scalability (P)

Current backlog:

  • On-premise to on-premise repository sync (P)
  • Encryption at rest for any content store (P)


As stated in the End of Maintenance policy in our Support Handbook, each major version release of Alfresco Enterprise Edition gives us an opportunity to deprecate or remove products or features which no longer fit into our roadmap. You can reference the list of currently deprecated products to see what we have already scheduled to remove.

In development:

  • The removal of NFS and jBPM (which are currently deprecated)