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JSF ComponentMetadata
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The PropertySheet component is used to display the meta data of an object in the repository. The component is very flexible in that the properties and associations displayed can be specified manually, they can be derived dynamically or driven via external configuration.
mode='view | edit'
id - Unique id for component
value - Value binding expressions that must evaluate to a 'org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Node' object
var - The name of the variable the Node pointed to by value will be stored in the session under
columns - The number of columns to render (label and field pairs are treated as 1 column)
rendered - Flag to determine whether the component should be rendered
mode - 'view' means all items will be rendered as text, 'edit' means all items will be rendered as input controls, default is 'edit'
readOnly - Flag to determine whether items should be rendered as disabled input controls (only takes effect when mode is 'edit')
labelStyleClass - CSS class to apply to all labels
cellpadding & cellspacing - Pass through HTML attributes for underlying table
externalConfig - Flag to indicate whether the component is configured via the Config Service
configArea - Only use the named 'area' from the Config Service
validationEnabled - Determines whether the property sheet will perform client side validation
finishButtonId - The HTML id of the form submit button being used on the page, used by the validation feature to disable the button until mandatory fields are populated
mode='view | edit'
id - Unique id for component
name - The name of the property to display
rendered - Flag to determine whether the property should be rendered
displayLabel - The text for the label
converter - The id of a converter to apply to the input control
mode - 'view' means the property will be rendered as text, 'edit' means the property will be rendered as an input control, default is 'edit'
readOnly - Flag to determine whether the property should be rendered as a disabled input control (only takes effect when mode is 'edit')
mode='view | edit'
mode='view | edit'
Attributes (applies to both association and childAssociation)
id - Unique id for component
name - The name of the association to display
rendered - Flag to determine whether the association should be rendered
displayLabel - The text for the label
converter - The id of a converter to apply to the input control
mode - 'view' means the association will be rendered as text, 'edit' means the association will be rendered as an input control, default is 'edit'
readOnly - Flag to determine whether the association should be rendered as a disabled input control (only takes effect when mode is 'edit')
Manually configuring using property and association tags
<r:propertySheetGrid value='#{EditDocPropsDialog.editableNode}' columns='2'>
<r:property name='name' />
<r:property name='description' />
<r:property name='created' />
<r:property name='modified' />
<r:association name='translations' />
Manually configuring using standard JSF tags
<r:propertySheetGrid value='#{EditDocPropsDialog.editableNode}' var='node' columns='4'>
<h:outputText value='Name' />
<h:inputText value='#{node.properties.name}' />
<h:outputText value='Description' />
<h:inputText value='#{node.properties.description}' />
<h:outputText value='Created' />
<h:inputText value='#{node.properties.created}' readOnly='true'>
<f:convertDateTime dateStyle='short' />
<h:outputText value='Modified' />
<h:inputText value='#{node.properties.modified}' readOnly='true'>
<f:convertDateTime dateStyle='short' />
Dynamically configured
<r:propertySheetGrid value='#{EditDocPropsDialog.editableNode}' columns='2'/>
This example shows ALL properties and associations that the Node currently contains.
Externally configured
<r:propertySheetGrid value='#{DocumentDetailsBean.document}' var='documentProps'
externalConfig='true' columns='1' labelStyleClass='propertiesLabel' />
In this example the properties and associations that appear are configured in the Config Service.
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