Release 1.4

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Release 1.4

0 0 1,030

Release 1.4


There have been many enhancements and fixes added with the release of 1.4, providing new functionality and greater configurability.

Key new features include:

Upgrading from V1.3.x

It is very important to read the upgrade steps if you already have Alfresco installed.  You should also ensure you have a full backup of your data (see upgrade details).

Enhancements since Release 1.3

  • Business Process Management
  • Open Document Format support
    • Supports transformations between Microsoft Office and ODF documents
    • Including between Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpont and OpenOffice equivalents
  • Performance and scalability improvements
    • Schema improvements for high-volumes
    • Including high load environments and scalability for many nodes per parent
  • JavaScript API Enhancements
    • Including support for multi-value properties, checkout/checkin services, security services, logging, document and image transformation services and template rendering services.
    • Define UI actions via XML config to execute an Alfresco JavaScript. UI actions can now be configured and created entirely using XML and JavaScript - no Java coding or rebuilding of the server required.
  • My Alfresco dashboard
  • Virtual Custom Desktop Executables
    • Allows virtual executable files (.exe) to be actioned through CIFS-mounted drives
    • Drag and drop actions
    • Run JavaScript on dropped objects
    • Build your own virtual executables: Desktop Actions
  • URL Addressable actions
  • Email Team members
  • Rule enhancements (affects ACPs created in earlier releases, see Notes)
  • PHP Library enhancements
  • Outlook email format meta-data extractor
  • User Options page
    • Including change password
  • Improved indexer performance
    • The improved indexer is now the default in 1.4
    • Old indexes will be upgraded when found (there is an alternative configuration to keep the old indexes if required)
  • AJAX infrastructure added
  • Dialog Framework enhancements
    • Actions can now be configured to appear in dialog header
    • Additional buttons can now be added via configuration or dynamically
    • The OK button can be hidden
    • The title and description for a dialog (and wizard) can now be generated dynamically by the bean
  • Component Generator/Property Sheet enhancements
    • The size of a text field can now be configured
    • A configurable TextAreaGenerator has been added
    • Year ranges can now be configured via DatePickerGenerator and DateTimePickerGenerator
    • Separators can now be added to property sheets via SeparatorGenerator, LabelSeparatorGenerator or HtmlSeparatorGenerator


  • Many other fixes - please see JIRA!


  • IMPORTANT: There are changes to the ACP format where rules have been used.  To use an ACP file created from an earlier Alfresco release, you need to use the conversion utility installed with Alfresco in the 'extras' folder.
  • There are changes to JavaScript and CSS files - please clear your temporary internet files browser cache!
  • There are changes to the database schema

Known Issues

Community Release Candidate

  • OpenOffice connection logs disconnection, but automatically reconnects
  • Using a person selector causes error when no users other than Admin.

Enterprise Release

  • Client search results are limited to prevent excessive resources being used on individual queries.  The defaults are set low.
    • system.acl.maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis=10000
    • system.acl.maxPermissionChecks=1000


OpenOffice 2.0.2 has a bug that means it cannot be used at all for document transformation.  There are also issues with converting certain documents to PDF in OpenOffice 2.0.1.  We therefore recommend OpenOffice 2.0.3 should be used.

1.X Releases
Release Notes