Release 2.0

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Release 2.0

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Release 2.0


There have been many enhancements and fixes added with the release of 2.0, providing new functionality and greater configurability.

Key new features include:

  • Web Content Management 1.0
  • Federated Search
  • OpenSearch support
  • Alfresco Module Package (AMP) Add-on Module Management
  • Tree Navigation (AJAX)
  • Multilingual Services
  • New web-client look-and-feel

Upgrading from V1.4.x

It is very important to read the upgrade steps if you already have Alfresco installed.  You should also ensure you have a full backup of your data (see upgrade details).

Enhancements since Release 1.4

  • Web Content Management 1.0
    • Web Project Wizard
    • Forms Management Wizard
    • Website Development and Staging
    • XML Content Authoring
    • FreeMarker, XSL and XSL-FO transformations
    • Virtualization and In-Context Preview
    • Workflow for change sets
    • For more on 2.0's WCM enhancements, please refer to the Alfresco 2.0 WCM page and the 2.0 WCM Release Notes.
    • WCM features are enabled by a separate download that needs to be installed against an existing Alfresco installation
  • Federated Search
    • Allows any number of Alfresco repositories to be searched at the same time
    • Allows other OpenSearch sources to be searched as well
  • OpenSearch standard support
    • Any application can use the OpenSearch standard to query an Alfresco repository
  • Add-on Module Management
    • Register application extensions
    • Distribute Alfresco extensions
    • Add-on Module Packaging support for Alfresco's new Records Management capabilities.  Please refer to the Records Management User Guide for more information.
  • FreeMarker API Enhancements
    • Including access to version history
  • URL Addressable actions
    • Use Company Home as a contextPath
    • contextPath is not mandatory
  • Workflow Enhancements
    • Group support
    • Pooled tasks
  • User Homes
    • A default space is created for User Homes
    • Configurable user home location for the web client
  • Multilingual Services
    • Indexing and search is locale-specific
    • Content filtering based on language preferences
  • CIFS links support
    • Links created in the web client work as shortcuts in CIFS
  • Lucene Support
    • Moved to lucene 2.0.0


  • Many other fixes - please see JIRA!


  • There are changes to JavaScript and CSS files - please clear your temporary internet files browser cache!
  • There are changes to the database schema

Known Issues


If your Alfresco repository already has a space named 'Web Projects' in Company Home, then you will get a 'duplicate child name' error after enabling WCM.  Rename your existing space prior to enabling WCM.


OpenOffice 2.0.2 has a bug that means it cannot be used at all for document transformation.  There are also issues with converting certain documents to PDF in OpenOffice 2.0.1.  We therefore recommend OpenOffice 2.0.3 or higher should be used.

2.x Releases
Release Notes