Replication REST API

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Replication REST API

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The official documentation is at:


Payload Definitions

JSON will be used for payloads throughout the API.



Typically used when creating and editing Replication Definitions

    'name': string, // Only needed if renaming
    'description': string,
    'payload': [ // NodeRefs
         string, string, string
    'enabled': boolean,
    'targetName': string,
    'schedule':       // Null, if schedule is not specified
       'start': iso8601date,
       'intervalPeriod': string,       // Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second
       'intervalCount': number
    // TODO - Flags

This is a cutdown version of DetailedReplicationDefinitionResponse, covering only the editable fields.



Used to return details on a number of replication definitions

    'name': string,
    'status': string (New|Running|CancelRequested|Completed|Failed|Cancelled|Pending),
        'iso8601': iso8601date
    'enabled': boolean,
    'details': url

The details URL is to a GET webscript that will return a DetailedReplicationDefinitionResponse


Used to return the detail of one replication definition

    'name': string,
    'description': string,
    'status': string (New|Pending|Running|CancelRequested|Completed|Failed|Cancelled|Pending),
        'iso8601': iso8601date
        'iso8601': iso8601date
    'failureMessage': string, // Null if status isn't Failed
    'executionDetails': url, // Only if status is Running or CancelRequested
    'payload': [
           'nodeRef': string,
           'isFolder': boolean,
           'path': string
           'nodeRef': string,
           'isFolder': boolean,
           'path': string
    'transferLocalReport': string, // NodeRef
    'transferRemoteReport': string, // NodeRef
    'enabled': boolean,
    'targetName': string,
    'schedule':       // Null, if schedule is not specified
       'start': iso8601date,
       'intervalPeriod': string,       // Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second
       'intervalCount': number
    // TODO - Flags

If schedule start is given, it is the date from which the action will be scheduled to run. If a date is given, it is treated as midnight. The interval is a count plus period (one of Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second). If an interval is given but no start time, midnight today is used.

Note - A moderate amount of detail of the Transfer Target is included here, because there isn't a dedicated API for listing and editing Transfer Targets.


Used to return the detail of one running action, be it replication or otherwise

    'actionID': string,
    'actionType': string,
    'actionInstance': string,
    'actionNodeRef': string,
       'iso8601': iso8601date // Null if in the pending queue
    'cancelRequested': boolean,
    'details': url


Replication Definition Collection

Get Replication Definition Collection

Retrieves all the currently defined, persisted Replication Definitions. The entries in the response can be sorted by Name, Status and Last Run Time. The default sort is by name

GET /api/replication-definitions

GET /api/replication-definitions?sort=status

Example response data:

    'data': [
            'name': 'ReplicationTask1',
            'status': 'New',
            'startedAt': null,
            'enabled': false,
            'details': '/api/replication-definition/ReplicationTask1',
            'name': 'ReplicationTask2',
            'status': 'Running',
                'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
            'enabled': true,
            'details': '/api/replication-definition/ReplicationTask2'

See SimpleReplicationDefinitionResponse for payload definition.

Post Replication Definition Collection

Creates a new  Replication Definition.

POST /api/replication-definitions
     => ReplicationDefinitionRequest

Example request data:

    'name': 'Replication Task 2',
    'description': 'Replicates to the 2nd server',
    'payload': [
    'enabled': true,
    'targetName': 'Target2',
          'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
       'intervalPeriod': Hour,
       'intervalCount': 2

Example response data:

        'name': 'Replication Task 2',
        'description': 'Replicates to the 2nd server',
        'status': 'New'
        'startedAt': null,
        'endedAt': null,
        'failureMessage': null,
        'executionDetails': null,
        'payload': [
                'nodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce82',
                'isFolder': false,
                'path': '/images/logo.jpg'
                'nodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/49c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a31a0ce87'
                'isFolder': true,
                'path': '/images/americas/'
        'transferLocalReport': null,
        'transferRemoteReport': null,
        'enabled': true,
        'targetName': 'Target2',
              'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
           'intervalPeriod': Hour,
           'intervalCount': 2

See ReplicationDefinitionRequest and DetailedReplicationDefinitionResponse for payload definition.

Replication Definition

Get Replication Definition

Retrieves the details on a currently defined, persisted Replication Definition.

GET /api/replication-definition/{replication_definition_name}

Example response data:

        'name': 'Replication Task 2',
        'description': 'Replicates to the 2nd server',
        'status': 'Running'
            'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
        'endedAt': null,
        'failureMessage': null,
        'executionDetails': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1421-22/',
        'payload': [
                'nodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce82',
                'isFolder': false,
                'path': '/images/logo.jpg'
                'nodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/49c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a31a0ce87'
                'isFolder': true,
                'path': '/images/americas/'
        'transferLocalReport': null,
        'transferRemoteReport': null,
        'enabled': true,
        'targetName': 'Target2',
             'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
          'intervalPeriod': Hour,
          'intervalCount': 2

See DetailedReplicationDefinitionResponse for payload definition.

Put Replication Definition

Updates a previously persisted Replication Definition.

PUT /api/replication-definition/{replication_definition_name}
     => ReplicationDefinitionRequest

Example request data:

    'name': 'Alternate Replication 2', // Only required if renaming
    'description': 'Replicates to the 2nd server',
    'payload': [
    'enabled': true,
    'targetName': 'Target2',
    'schedule': null        // Clear schedule

Note - To rename an existing Replication Definition, PUT to the old name, including the new name.

See ReplicationDefinitionRequest and DetailedReplicationDefinitionResponse for payload definition.

Delete Replication Definition

Deletes a previously persisted Replication Definition.

DELETE /api/replication-definition/{replication_definition_name}

Running Actions Collection

Get Running Actions

List currently running actions. This can be all running actions, all running actions of one type, or all running instances of a given action.

GET /api/running_actions/

GET /api/running_actions/?type={actionType}

GET /api/running-actions/?nodeRef={actionNodeRef}

Example response data:

    'data': [
            'actionID': '1542',
            'actionType': 'replicationActionExecutor',
            'actionInstance': '32',
            'actionNodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce87',
            'startedAt': null,
            'cancelRequested': false,
            'details': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1542-32/',
            'actionID': '1542',
            'actionType': 'replicationActionExecutor',
            'actionInstance': '124',
            'actionNodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce87',
                'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
            'cancelRequested': true,
            'details': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1542-124/'

See RunningActionResponse for payload definition.

Post (Run) Running Actions

Triggers the execution of a previously persisted action, no matter what type it is. Send the nodeRef of the persisted action to be started. Because the action is scheduled for asynchronous execution, the execution will be placed in the pending queue, and may take some time to begin real execution.

POST /api/running-actions/
     => nodeRef={nodeRef}

See RunningActionResponse for payload definition.

Running Replication Actions Collection

Get Running Replication Actions

Gets a list of all currently running replication actions.

GET /api/running-replicaton-actions/

Example response data:

    'data': [
            'actionID': '1542',
            'actionType': 'replicationActionExecutor',
            'actionInstance': '32',
            'actionNodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce87',
            'startedAt': null,
            'cancelRequested': false,
            'details': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1542-32/',
            'actionID': '1542',
            'actionType': 'replicationActionExecutor',
            'actionInstance': '124',
            'actionNodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce87',
                'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:33:41Z'
            'cancelRequested': true,
            'details': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1542-142/'

See RunningActionResponse for payload definition.

Post (Run) Running Replication Actions

Triggers the execution of a previously defined replication definition. Send the name of the replication definition to start. The replication will take place asynchronously, so depending on the number of other actions currently on the queue, it may take some time to start.

POST /api/running-replicaton-actions/
     => name={name}

See RunningActionResponse for payload definition.

Running Action Definition

Get Running Action

Retrieves the basic information on a currently running Replication Action.

GET /api/running-action/{action_tracking_id}

Example response data:

        'actionID': '1542',
        'actionType': 'replicationActionExecutor',
        'actionInstance': '32',
        'actionNodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/19c3c4e6-86f1-4640-ae48-673a39a3ce87',
            'iso8601': '2010-07-01T12:32:12Z'
        'cancelRequested': false,
        'details': '/api/running-action/replicationActionExecutor-1542-32/' // The current URL

See RunningReplicationActionResponse for payload definition.

Delete (Cancel) Running Action

Requests the cancellation of a currently running Replication Action.

DELETE /api/running-action/{action_tracking_id}

Note: The cancellation will not occur instantly.