Target User Roles

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Target User Roles

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The official documentation is at:

The following is a list of all potential types of people that may interact with the CMS. The Alfresco 1.0 WCM release will focus primarily on meeting the requirements of Content Contributors, Content Reviewers, Web Publishers, and Web Content Managers (a bit less so the pure Web Marketing Manager). Subsequent releases will look to better accommodate the requirements for the remaining roles, most notably Web Designers, Web Developers, and Systems Administrators.

Content Contributor       
The content contributor is focused on creating and updating business documents.   They collaborate with their peers on specific projects in an online workspace.  The content contributor primarily uses tools like MSWord and MSPowerPoint and is only an occasional contributor to a website.  Content contributors need simple ways to promote an existing business document to a website without having to learn news tools or process.  These users look to have their documents available on the website in both HTML and downloadable PDF.      

Content Reviewer       
The content reviewer is a special-purpose content contributor.  The content reviewer is most typically a member of the legal department or senior management.  Content reviewers typically spend most of their day working in MSOutlook and depend on email to be notified of items that need review prior to publishing.              
Web Publisher       
The web publisher is responsible for communication over the Web.  Web publishers are content contributors who own specific web pages of a website.  These users not only publish business documents but also create unique content for the Web.  Web publishers are trained to utilize new tools for web content publishing and understand the business process behind promoting content to a website.  In addition to publishing content, web publishers can also be involved in a review process for documents published by content contributors to pages they own.              
Web Content Manager / Web Marketing Manager       
The web content manager is responsible for overall strategy and effectiveness of an entire website or section of a website.  Web content managers typically coordinate the activities of a team of web publishers and are responsible for the review of their content.  Web content managers also coordinate content development activities with the site development activities of the web design and web development teams.  Web content managers track business requirements for the site � including both design, content, and supporting CMS needs - and monitor site effectiveness using web analytics packages.  Web content managers in larger organizations are organized into teams of operationally focused project managers and more strategic product managers.

Web Designer       
The web designer is responsible for overall site architecture and graphical treatment.  The web designer works closely with the Online Marketing Manager to design new website and website redesigns.  The web designer also works closely with the corporate marketing to ensure consistent branding and with the creative team for creation of web-ready graphical assets.  The web designer partners with the web developer on build-out of the overall website, both in terms of adding site functionality and creating necessary CMS templates and workflows to enable ongoing site updates.  The web designer in larger organizations will reports into a Web Marketing Manager with a team of Web Content Managers and Web Publishers.      

Web Developer       
The web developers is responsible for implementing site functionality and building out supporting CMS infrastructure.  Web developers primary deal with light-weight, presentation-orient site functionality, coordinating access to heavy-duty, back-end business logic with the separate application development team, who typically expose their applications to the web developers through an SOA.  The web developer works closely with the web designer and in small organizations maybe the same person.  Web developers report to a senior IT manager who is the functional counterpart of the Web Marketing Manager in the IT organization and who coordinates online strategy, dev plans, and CMS infrastructure needs with Application Developers and Sys Admins..      

eBusiness IT Exec       
The IT exec is a senior manager in IT responsible for executing overall online strategy.  This includes creating and executing the IT portion of online strategy and building out necessary internal infrastructure to support online activities (for example, selecting and rolling out a CMS based on business requirements from the Web Marketing Manager / Web Content Manager / Web Publishers / Content Contributors).  The eBusiness exec manages the team of Web Developers and serves as a coordination point for Marketing, Application Developers, and Sys Admins.              
Information Architect        
A specialist in larger organizations reporting to the eBusiness IT exec, this person is a senior-level former developer who serves as CTO for technology direction and technical architecture for the website.              
Application Developers       
The heavy-duty apps guys, the application developers run in a separate group in IT from the eBusiness group.   App developers typically exposes their apps through an SOA for front-end integration by Web Developers.              
Systems Administrator | IT Operations       
Responsible for day-to-day operations of the CMS server and run-time webservers / web application servers.  Work closely with Web Developers in rolling out new web applications / sites and rollouts of new versions of the CMS.