Upgrading 1.2

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Upgrading 1.2

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The official documentation is at: http://docs.alfresco.com

Upgrading to Version 1.2


New features have been added to Alfresco version 1.2 to simplify the upgrade process. However, you still must transfer the configuration modifications made to versions prior to version 1.2 to the new configuration.

See Repository Configuration Extensions and Web Client Configuration Guide for details of the new configuration approach.

Upgrades required

Database Schema

Upgrades to the schema are performed automatically by Hibernate upon first startup.

Existing Data

A patch system has been added to automatically perform all the necessary changes.

  • Saved Searches folder and permissions
  • Changes to permission reference names
  • Guest home space addition
  • Improvements to node property storage


The upgrade process described here is for the standalone WAR file.

Back up

  • Stop the server
  • Back up the core data. (Notes on backup)
    • Lucene indexes
    • Content storage
    • Database
The content and indexes will be stored in ./alf_data unless the location was modified to point to another location.

  • Back up old configuration files and remove them.
    • Tomcat: <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes
    • JBoss:  <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/conf/alfresco, <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/conf/ehcache.xml and <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/conf/treecache.xml


  • Install the standalone war file.
    • Tomcat: <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/alfresco.war
    • JBoss:  <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/deploy/alfresco.war
If you have one of the full Tomcat or JBoss bundles, then just unzip it instead.

  • Reinstate Lucene indexes and content store.
This does not have to be to the original location.  A fixed location external to the application server could prevent accidental losses during future upgrades.

  • Create the necessary configuration files prior to startup.
Please read the section on Repository Configuration, which gives an example of how the database connection properties and data root directory can be configured without having to modify any files shipped in the installs. Please also refer to Web Client Configuration Guide for examples of configuring the web client. By following the guides, most (if not all) custom configuration can be performed without having to modify any Alfresco configuration files.  The distribution configuration files can be found in the WAR file or expanded in certain distributions.
Any beans that were modified in the previous configuration or any web client customisations previously made will have to be transferred into the extension configuration files.  This should not have to be repeated after 1.2.


  • Unless the repository was only used for test data, the next step should be to create a test database and test data locations.  Copy the live data to the test locations and modify the configuration files before starting the server for the first time.
  • Upon startup, the server should report the results of a number of patches.  If these fail to execute, then the system will not start.
  • Once started, login to the application and confirm that the necessary data is available.
    • Open some documents to ensure that the content store configuration is correct
    • Perform a search for known results

Going Live

  • Shutdown the server and modify the external configuration files to point to the live data locations.
  • Check that the server performs the same startup tasks and that the same tests pass.
  • Backup the configuration files.
