I'm a total noob with network proxy configurations, but I think there's an error in the article in the section 'How can you simplify the URLs that end-users see?'
Where it says:
Normally, you'd access it via your browser using URL looking something like this:
Instead though, suppose we want this to appear to the outside world as:
All you'd need to do is set up Apache2 as a reverse proxy on
example.com that fetches its real data from the virt server.
On example.com, your Apache2 config would look like this:
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass / http://mysite.www--sandbox.192-168-1-5.ip.alfrescodemo.net:8180/
ProxyPassReverse / http://mysite.www--sandbox.192-168-1-5.ip.alfrescodemo.net:8180/
Shouldn't the proxy pass examples be talking about 'alice.mysite....' ?