Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}
The official documentation is at: http://docs.alfresco.com
This page is a working document listing potential WCM specific features for future releases.
This page should not be used as a roadmap, however does indicate product focus, thought and direction.
Back to WCM Candidate Feature Sets
Web Producer is a web based tool aimed an equipping non-technical users with rich tools for website production. Web Producer is not a tool for developers, however is aimed at people who produce websites e.g. a brand managers, marketing, communication, product managers etc.
Feature Requirements
- Create website
- Creates a content library
- Manage pages and navigation hierarchies on a Surf website
- Specify templates for pages and content types
- Configure template instances with components and attribute values
- Share content and presentation elements from elsewhere
- Workflow UI
- Translations
- Deploy a website or content
- Create navigation plan
- Add website section
- Create content library
- Share existing content library
- Invite user(s) to collaborate on the site
- Grant roles to users on sections of the site
- View where a piece of content is bound
- Create content
- Edit content
- Delete content
- Move content
- Copy content
- Create content library
- Share content library
- Import a shared content library
- Bind content - to website section(s)
- Bind Content - Define rules to automatically bind content to website section(s)
- Create presentation library
- Share presentation library
- Import presentation library
- Create website Section
- Move Section
- Edit a Section
- Assign roles within a section
- Upload / import template
- View /preview template?
- Delete Templates
- Bind template to a website section + content type
- Bind rules to a website section that define which template to use for a given content type in a given website section
- See where a template is used
- Upload / import components
- View components
- Delete components
- Upload / import site plug-in
- Site Plug-in
- components + data model + dependencies
- Bind components to regions of a template (template scope) and configure
- Bind components to regions of a template (section scope) and configure
- Create a site based on another existing site
- Create micro site - location within current site
- Inherits certain characteristics from parent
- Can also add new content libraries and presentation libs
- Site Manger role exists - different from overall site manager
- Manage links / URLs
- Report where a content item is being used
WCM Model