Administration capabilities as part of the core

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Administration capabilities as part of the core

Administration capabilities as part of the core

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I miss an administrative capabilities on ACA. My first demanding was referring to have an administration console or similar but, after conversation with @afaust , it'd be nice to have an administration capabilities as part of the core, so it can be consume for whatever app you are using.


Thoughts and ideas are welcome!


In my understanding, ACA aims to be a tunnel-vision (aka "use case centric") app for "regular" end users. Administration capabilities would be out of place there. Additionally, many proper administrative capabilities cannot really be handled with the deliberately restricted / stunted ReST API. I'd rather see administrative capabilities on the core ACS application within the already existing administration console, than have to wait 5 more years until ReST API and ACA have managed to support even basic admin functionality that's also somewhat extensible.

Having a administration capabilities as part of the core would also allow them to be used by any customers / users who may not drink the ACA kool aid.


You're right, Axel: at least give us the possibility to have an API that I could integrate and adapt to my users need. I've changed my original post about my proposed idea.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Active Member II
Status changed to: Future consideration
This an interesting suggestion we'll look at when we review and revamp Admin/Audit. Thank you for the suggestion!

You are welcome! Smiley Very Happy