Coming soon: Hyland ID, formerly Alfresco ID

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Coming soon: Hyland ID, formerly Alfresco ID

Alfresco Employee
1 0 1,457

Hyland is improving how we provision accounts and provide access to our public-facing websites including Alfresco Hub and Hyland Community. Coming soon, Alfresco ID will merge and be rebranded as Hyland ID. Hyland ID will continue to use the Okta platform, an industry-leading, cloud-based identity provider already in use for Alfresco Hub and other Alfresco services.  

What to expect and when  

Hyland ID will launch in two separate phases, the first in July and the second this fall.  

  • Phase 1: The first phase of launch, planned for mid-July, includes instant sign-up for “free” public accounts and the auto-matching of contacts to customer and partner accounts in Salesforce based on approved email domains. This match provides instant access to gated sites and resources, including the support features within Hyland Community.  
  • Phase 2: The second phase of launch, planned for this fall, will provide our customers and partners with more control over their organization’s membership and access. Up to three individuals at each company can be designated to manage their organization’s membership. These individuals will be enabled to invite new members, determine each members’ access to key support features, initiate contractor access and revoke member access connected to their organization.  

Next steps  

This is the first of several communications. Keep an eye out for future posts that will surface opportunities to participate in testing, outline what you can expect when we migrate accounts and set the stage for the new user experience. As we post, we want you to stay informed! Stay tuned to this blog to receive updates.  

Questions? Please ask them below in the comments section of this post. 




About the Author
My own background is in Java and PHP development. I’ve previously worked with Alfresco and more recently with Open Source software such as Joomla & Magento as a freelance developer.