UML Class Diagrams

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UML Class Diagrams

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The official documentation is at:

Content Modeling
Data Dictionary

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This page contains UML class diagrams of the Alfresco content models. These diagrams have been based on the XML definitions of these models in Alfresco 1.4 Community Release. More information on how these models were create dcan be found on the page How To Create UML Class Diagrams.

In the latest source code (in Subversion), more models are defined and others are modified. These models are shown on a different page (UML Class Diagrams 2.0).

The software used to create these models and render the JPEG images shown on these pages is StarUML.

Application Model

Alfresco Application Model|1400px

System Model

Alfresco System Model|1400px

Content Model

The UML clas diagram for the Alfresco Content Model is split in two parts for convenience. The first diagram depicts the types and the second diagram shows all aspects. Direct associations are always shown here. For instance, in the first diagram the association from type content with aspect auditable is shown.

Alfresco Content Model - Types|1400px

Alfresco Content Model - Aspects|1400px

BPM Model

Alfresco BPM Model|1400px

Forum Model

Alfresco Forum Model|700px

JCR Model

Alfresco JCR Model|1400px