Wiki Cleanup

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Wiki Cleanup

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Decide what information belongs in the wiki

  • We want to avoid confusion with the official documentation
  • Below is a proposed structure containing topics we think belong in the wiki


  • Go through the most frequently referenced pages, and if they are obsolete link them to the proper place in the documentation
  • Use a script to remove all the categories
  • Recategorize useful pages

Point to the official documentation

  • Identify official documentation that should replace a page
  • Add a link to that documentation at the top of the page (Template Tag)
  • Remove from the page all information that belongs in the official documentation
  • If something should be in the official documentation, but is not covered there yet, create an issue in the ALF project with Documentation component.

Update and cleanup

  • End of life tag on functionality that has been officially end-of-lifed

Completed Steps

  • Create an 'Obsolete' template tag

-- Maybe I should have called it 'Archived' but 'Obsolete' is stronger
-- 'Obsolete' works for functionality related pages, but doesn't really work  for historical pages (meetups, release notes, community information)
-- Maybe should change the definition of the Obsolete tag to say 'Archived'

  • Use a script to mark all pages as obsolete and add them to the obsolete category
  • Find pages which are current and useful, and remove the obsolete tag and category

Page Templates

Maintenance Hints

Link to edit the left sidebar.

Bulk Updates

Pywikibot is a great tool for maintaining the wiki. Here are some tips:

  • Please create a separate user for bot updates
  • Configure it to use our wiki by adding this line to family_files['alfresco'] = ''
  • I used the add_text script, and by default it makes the edits asynchronously in a background thread. This caused problems when it asked for my password to login (it wasn't reading my cookie). I solved this by replacing the call to page.put_async with page.put.

This is the command line I constructed to add the Obsolete templatetag to each page:

  python -namespace:0 -titleregex='.*' -summary:'Bot: Marking    all pages as obsolete.' -text='Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}\
  The official documentation is at:\
  ' -except:'{{Obsolete' -up -v -debug -simulate

Proposed Structure

  • Home Page 
  • Community Edition 
    • Release X_X_Y file list
    • Release X_X_Y release notes
    • Source Code (Subversion Access)
    • Upgrades
    • Diff b/w Enterprise & Community
  • How to Contribute 
    • Reporting Issues
      • How to submit a great bug report
    • Contributions
      • Featured Contributions
      • Coding Standards
      • How to Submit a Patch
      • Contributions that could be done in less than an hour
      • Making Major Contributions
    • Translations
      • Creating a Lanugage Pack
      • Community Translation Process
    • Help Wanted
    • Forums
      • Forums Moderation
    • Wiki
      • Wiki Editing Guidelines
  • Getting Started 
    • Learning Resources
      • Books
    • Installation
      • Installation on Glassfish
    • Development Environment
    • Packaging and Deploying Extensions
    • Administration
  • Technical Reference 
    • Data Dictionary Guide
    • Security Advisory
  • Examples 
    • JavaScript
    • Multi-Lingual Content
    • Models
    • Integrations
      • CAS
    • Webscript Examples
  • Your Community 
    • Meetups
      • Starting a Meetup
      • Local Communities
      • Past Community Events
    • Online Events
      • Live
    • Community Spotlight
      • Spotlight Jane Smith
      • Spotlight John Smith
    • Newsletter
    • Hack-a-thons
    • IRC
  • Roadmap 
    • Roadmap 2014
    • Roadmap 2013
  • Engineering Notes 
  • Archive 
  • Company (Do we need this? Should just be a link to on the Main Page?)
    • History (Do we need this?)

Top Pages in 2013

Page Name
Official Doc
Web Scripts
Data Dictionary Guide
Alfresco Authentication Subsystems
4.0 JavaScript API
Repository Restful API Reference
Web Scripts Examples
Alfresco and SOLR
Database Configuration
JavaScript API Cookbook
Developer Guide
Alfresco SVN Development Environment
File Server Configuration
JavaScript API
Outbound Email Configuration
Security and Authentication
Alfresco Community 4.2
FreeMarker Template Cookbook
Full Text Search Query Syntax
Alfresco Repository Architecture
CMIS Query Language
Installing on Linux
Workflow Administration
JVM Tuning JVM Sizing / JVM Tuning
Repository Configuration
Workflow with Activiti
Backup and REstore
Project Overview
Java-backed WebScripts Example