SIn the version 2.3.0 of ADF has been added a new Sidenav Layout Component :
In the next version of the generator this component will be by default present in your new generated app, but what if you want to add it to your current application?
In this tutorial, we are going to add this new component in a previous version of an ADF application. If you need more details about the sidenav layout component after the tutorial please check the documentation:
If you want to give a look at the example that I made, you can find it here:
Dev eromano sidebar by eromano · Pull Request #23 · Alfresco/adf-examples · GitHub
Update your current application package.json ADF dependencies to 2.3.0:
"@alfresco/adf-content-services" : "2.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-process-services" : "2.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-core" : "2.3.0"
"@alfresco/adf-insights" : "2.3.0"
"alfresco-js-api": "2.3.0"
Generate the app-layout component:
ng generate component app-layout
Note the route and the element in the HTML below are just for example, you need to feed this template with your own routes and elements:
<adf-sidenav-layout [sidenavMin]="70" [sidenavMax]="200" [stepOver]="780" [hideSidenav]="false" [expandedSidenav]="false">
<ng-template let-toggleMenu="toggleMenu">
<mat-toolbar color="primary" class="adf-app-layout-toolbar mat-elevation-z6">
<button mat-icon-button (click)="toggleMenu()">
<span fxFlex="1 1 auto" fxShow"true">ADF</span>
<div class="adf-app-layout-menu-spacer"></div>
<ng-template let-isMenuMinimized="isMenuMinimized">
<mat-nav-list class="adf-sidenav-linklist">
<a mat-list-item class="adf-sidenav-link" routerLink="/login">
<mat-icon matListIcon class="sidenav-menu-icon">vpn_key</mat-icon>
<div class="sidenav-menu-label" *ngIf="!isMenuMinimized()">Login</div>
<a mat-list-item class="adf-sidenav-link" routerLink="/apps">
<mat-icon matListIcon class="sidenav-menu-icon">device_hub</mat-icon>
<div class="sidenav-menu-label" *ngIf="!isMenuMinimized()">Apps</div>
<a mat-list-item class="adf-sidenav-link" routerLink="/documentlist">
<mat-icon matListIcon class="sidenav-menu-icon">folder_open</mat-icon>
<div class="sidenav-menu-label" *ngIf="!isMenuMinimized()">Documents</div>
<a mat-list-item adf-logout class="adf-sidenav-link">
<mat-icon matListIcon class="sidenav-menu-icon">exit_to_app</mat-icon>
<div class="sidenav-menu-label" *ngIf="!isMenuMinimized()">Logout</div>
In this SCSS file should be present only the router outlet
adf-sidenav-layout {
height: 100%;
In this HTML file should be present only the router outlet
Now let's add the AppLayoutComponent as the main route of the router and move all yours previous route as children of the AppLayoutComponent as in this example:
export const appRoutes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: AppLayoutComponent,
children: [
path: '',
component: HomeComponent
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