Activiti 7: Last week Dev Logs #11

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Activiti 7: Last week Dev Logs #11

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Last week (11/9/17 - 18/9/17) we (@ryandawsonuk and myself) made huge progress validating our new cloud architecture with our partners from Pivotal. We attended Pivotal Partner’s day and discussed with their engineers our plans to run Activiti Cloud on top of Kubernetes and leverage their APIs and integrations. As result, we will start testing with Kubo, their approach flavour for Kubernetes which provides integration with their existing Clou.... This opens the doors to a myriad of possible integrations with existing apps and their entire marketplace. You will see more about this soon. In the meantime you can give it a try to our Kubernetes Example here.

@daisuke-yoshimoto reviewed his PR for Mongo DB and @gmalanga is updating his PR based on @erdemedeiros feedback.

At the same tim, @igdianov is working in finishing our first approach to GraphQL so we are looking forward to his PR this week.

We are working hard to get our release process sorted out to make sure that you can consume all of our artifacts from Maven Central. This require us a huge effort in setting up several builds and CI pipelines to coordinate all the new repositories and artifacts, you should expect a blog post about this during the week as soon as we finalize some extra details.

We are also structuring our GitBook to make sure that we cover the most important topics about Activiti and Activiti Cloud. We will appreciate your feedback, comments and suggestions about which topics should be covered in such book.

About the Author
Open Source, Java, BPM and Rule Engine enthusiast and promoter. Writer of 4 books about BPM & Rule Engines, now Principal Software Engineer @ Alfresco.