Activiti: Last week Dev Logs #86

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Activiti: Last week Dev Logs #86

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Last week we released Activiti Cloud SR1 containing some major compatibility improvements. At the same time we triaged the issues for our 7.1.0.M1 Milestone that you can follow here: (

There are still issues being triaged, and the date has been set to April 10, 2019. We will prioritize adding support for more BPMN elements and polishing the modelling services.

@constantin-ciobotaru cleanup of unused imports and unused dependencies in modeling

@igdianov worked on fixing Events related to different process instances may be collected in one bunchand minor Helm chart improvements to enable RabbitMq persistentVolumein Activiti Cloud Charts

@miguelruizdev worked on the removal of the process instance description field on the cloud side (, tested call activities at the starter level ( and polished rough edges in the clean-up endpoints enablement based on properties (

@ryandawsonuk worked on several issues related to edge cases for the reliability of the Activiti Jenkins-X pipelines and on an activiti presentation for london devops

@erdemedeiros completed work to get new update task variable endpoint available for admin ( Investigated problem related Java client generated from swagger specification (

@salaboy worked on testing SR1 and improving docs while attending several meetings for planning and understanding the scope of 7.1.0.M1.

Get in touch if you want to contribute:

We are looking forward to mentor people on the technologies that we are using to submit their first Pull Request

About the Author
Open Source, Java, BPM and Rule Engine enthusiast and promoter. Writer of 4 books about BPM & Rule Engines, now Principal Software Engineer @ Alfresco.