Activiti: Last week Dev Logs #38

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Activiti: Last week Dev Logs #38

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Last week we manage to finally release to Maven Central and Docker Hub our Early Access Release 201802-EAartifacts. You can read more about this release and our updated Roadmap plans here. As stated in our Roadmap update we will now focus on getting things ready for a Beta1release which is intended to come by the end of April.

Updated Roadmap:

@MiguelRuizDevimplementing states to the Task Manager service pet project, as well as crafting methods to change and store properties of objects already present in the database

@igdianovworking on Web Sockets and Gateway integration.

@daisuke-yoshimotoworking on streams for BPMN signals. Also, he is working on reviewing the pull request (ACT-4316)

@constantin-ciobotaruinvestigated “delete task” and implement (still tests to add) #1812, investigated bug in “show process instance diagram” for “fixSystemFailure” process definition (related to #1808), started adding error handling in acceptance tests during implementing “try to activate a cancelled process instance

@lucianopreaworked on issues from runtime-bundle that are blocking the demo-ui development (#1803#1813)

@mteodoriadded temporary dependency check exclusion for CVE-2018-7489 #1838

@ffazziniinvestigation around possible issues on helm charts regarding remote env deployments

@ryandawsonukadded options to activiti-scripts (#3) to handle releasing of example repos and added a property to the examples so that json can be used over hal (#80) so as to finalise the release before attending a training workshop

@erdemedeiroswork with @ryandawsonukto get the release ready before attending a training workshop.

@salaboyworked on updating the roadmap plan and writing the release announcement in our gitbook and blog posts. There was a fair amount of testing and improvements on the acceptance tests which are now modularized and can be run independently.


We will appreciate help from the community in reviewing our Beta1 milestone and making sure that we are covering the things that you want to see included in this release.

Get in touch if you want to contribute:

We are looking forward to mentor people on the technologies that we are using to submit their first Pull Request Smiley Wink

About the Author
Open Source, Java, BPM and Rule Engine enthusiast and promoter. Writer of 4 books about BPM & Rule Engines, now Principal Software Engineer @ Alfresco.