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Alfresco Employee
0 8 6,406

This content is part of the Alfresco ADF getting started tutorials and describes the disclaimer valid for all the tutorials.

All the content available in this tutorial has been developed and tested using Alfresco ADF v1.6.1 LA release.

Below the full list of platforms, languages, frameworks and tools used here.

  • Linux Ubuntu 16.04.01 LTS as Operating System.

  • Activiti Enterprise Edition 1.6.2 release for Linux (running on port 9999).

  • Alfresco Community Edition 201612 GA release for Linux (running on port 8080).

  • Node.js version 6.10.2.

Any variation to the listed versions and tools could affect the success of the tutorial, even if the involved technologies and tasks have been defined in as general a way as possible so as not to depend on any specific context or platform. Please let us know of any issue or problem. The best way to provide feedback is through the Community Portal dedicated to the Alfresco ADF or using the Gitter space dedicated to the Alfresco Angular 2 components.

Active Member


How to integrate Alfresco ADF pages in Alfresco 5.2. Please provide me the details step by step.

Alfresco Employee

Hi Riya,

ADF pages act on Alfresco 5.2 Content Services and Process Services.
You can find a step by step guide starting from the page below: Creating your first application with ADF 

Once completed, please follow the "Next task >>" link at the botton of the page.

Senior Member II

Hi Fracesco,

is the above stated activity enterprise edition really needed? Can we use the community edition?

regards, Martin

Alfresco Employee

Hi Martin,

Cannot use Alfresco Process Services Community Edition with ADF 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.

Senior Member II

Hi Francesco,

sorry for misspelling your name Smiley Sad - thanks for clarification. Is it planned to support the Alfresco Process Services Community Edition or are the differences too big? 

Alfresco Employee

Naaaaa, not a problem for the misspelling. :-)

Currently the difference in the APIs is the main obstacle.

Product Managers (Doug Johnson‌ is involved on this) and the Team are working.

Senior Member II

Good to hear Smiley Happy, thanks...

Senior Member

Hi Francesco Corti, Doug Johnson!,

Any news about to make it compatible with Activiti 6 or 7? We don't see there is an Alfresco Process Services "Community Edition" anywere.

Thanks in advance!