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News & Announcements

Community Manager
Community Manager

Over the last year-and-a-half, Hyland has been hard at work enhancing our digital properties to create a unified, engaging user experience 

As part of this project, we’re freezing this important site on 25 September and migrating it to our new collaboration platform, Hyland Connect. During this period, the site will be read-only until we launch the new Hyland Connect platform on 9 October 

On 9 October, this site will automatically redirect to Connect. 

The benefits of Connect: Innovative collaboration 

This migration will integrate all our customers into Connect and will deliver a world-class collaborative experience where you engage with experts, connect with peers, and access blogs and forums. 

Here are seven other benefits the new Hyland Connect platform will deliver:  

  1. Dedicated community collaboration platform  

Utilize a specialized platform for blogs, forums, and user group hubs, making it easier to find, connect and engage with others. 

  1. Badging and certification  

Earn badges for participating in Connect activities or Hyland events, recognizing and rewarding user engagement and contributions 

  1. Subscription and notification system  

Subscribe to specific products, solutions, industries, or groups to receive tailored notifications and updates, ensuring you stay informed about what matters most.  

  1. Optimized question and answer forums  

Post questions or topics to receive valuable insights and answers from members of the community and Hyland experts, fostering knowledge sharing, innovation, and collaboration. 

  1. User groups 

Join and participate in product and industry user groups to easily connect with others who have similar solutions and interests. 

  1. Expert guidance  

Benefit from the knowledge and experience of both Hyland professionals and seasoned solution owners who provide guidance and support within the community. 

  1. Open-source developer engagement  

Use enhanced tools and resources for the open-source community, enabling developers to collaborate, share ideas and innovate together. 


Get ready by getting your Hyland ID 

If you don’t have one already, please prepare to access this new platform by creating a Hyland ID today. 

If you already have a Hyland ID to connect to Alfresco Hub, you’re all set. There’s nothing else you need to do. 

Thank you for your patience during this period. We’re excited for you to experience these awesome changes. 

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0 0 168
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a live talk in October: with Angel, we will welcome hackaton participants, review their work and dissuss the latest news about Alfresco and Hyland.

If you attended the hackaton or participated remotely, get in touch with so we can add you as panelists in Zoom and highlight your work. See Hackaton ideas on Github

All community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

Date: Wednesday 16th October 2024

Time: 10AM EDT | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Hackaton attendees and other guests

Register here: TTL #162 - Zoom registration

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0 0 198
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #161 - Live from Lisbon, Portugal, for TechQuest + Hackaton? And you want to read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself:

Recording is available:


The quality is a bit low and it looks like because of the bandwidth used by the Hackaton attendees, Zoom was not as good as usual. I took time to restore the audio tracks as much a possible, the two first interviews are good but the end is a bit dirty to listen. It was a first try, we learned a lot, so next time we do interviews like that we will try to get better gear for a better result.




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0 0 209
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a live talk next week at TechQuest and Hackaton, in Lisbon, Portugal, with our special guest Axel Faust and other people from Hyland and the community. Everybody is welcome to participate while Hackaton attendees will come show their work, and answer questions.

All community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

See Hackaton ideas on Github

Date: Thursday 12th September 2024

Time: 10AM EDT | 3PM BST and Lisbon time | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Axel Faust, Acosix
Hackaton attendees

Register here: TTL #161 - Zoom Registration




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0 0 471

Today, the Hyland Alfresco TechQuest in Lisbon is only a month away. While the Alfresco community has had virtual hack-a-thons and virtual Alfresco Days during the Covid pandemic, as well as physical Hyland Summits since then, TechQuest will be the first developer-focussed in-person event since the Alfresco DevCon 2019 in Edinburgh - 5 years and 7 months ago. During this time, Alfresco has gone through significant changes, starting with the acquisition by Hyland in 2020. As with many transitions, this has caused reason for concern for many long-term members of the Alfresco developer community, especially since Hyland did not arrive on the scene with any tradition of being an open source or community focussed company. What level of support the open source developer community of Alfresco would receive in the long run seemed uncertain for far longer than many of us might have preferred.

Given this uncertainty and the long time without a developer-centric event, I was very happy and excited when Hyland approached me around the end of spring with initial information about their TechQuest event and an invitation to collaborate with them on the Thursday hack-a-thon specifically. Though it may be tempting to try and compare TechQuest with the memory of Alfresco DevCons or Summits of the past, I find it more appropriate to think of it as the first step in a "reboot". With any reboot - whether in movie franchises or tech communities - there will be aspects people like and aspects on which they disagree.

In all the preliminary calls to which I have been invited, I was pleased to find a very open mindset and constructive atmosphere with all the Hyland people involved. In addition to the specifics for this hackathon, we have also had good discussions on some of my questions around a long-term strategy for the Alfresco open source community, including potential future events beyond TechQuest. While I had never doubted that veteran Alfrescian Angel Borroy would be a strong advocat for the open source community within Hyland, it was very encouraging to finally meet and get to know the Hyland PMs and colleagues working with him who are just as eager to work with members of our community to improve the state of it.

As with past in person events and conferences, TechQuest and its hack-a-thon provide the best opportunity to network not just with other members of the Alfresco open source community, but also with Hyland project managers, engineers, and their community team. Whether during breaks, while working in the hackathon, or in a more social setting before or after the event, there will be plenty of chances to hang out and pick a discussion with anyone - if you so desire. Of course the technical training tracks on their own should already be illuminating on various topics from AI to out-of-process extensions or migrations to newer technological solutions for search and processes.

As one of the masters of ceremony for the hack-a-thon on Thursday, I especially hope you will join us in this long-running Alfresco tradition. While hack-a-thons in other communities may sometimes have a slight competetive edge to them, the Alfresco hack-a-thons are always purely cooperative and open to anyone, not just coders. During this event, you can work on any project that may be of interest to you, outside the confines of your customer or commercial projects. Whether you want to create or update guides for using some features or addons for an Alfresco project, experiment with a new integration, test and fix existing addons for the newest releases of Alfresco products, or just want to try out something you picked up during TechQuest - anything is fair game.

If you want to join the hack-a-thon, remember to register for it on the TechQuest event page and check out any of the projects already suggested by members of the community. When you are interested in picking up any of the ideas, join a team, or add your own ideas, you can provide a pull request on that GitHub project to add your name or idea in the file. This will become more and more relevant the closer we get to the event. Of course you can join without having picked a project idea, and see what topics or ideas pique your interest on the day of the event.

Typically we will have a short presentation of the results at the end of the hack-a-thon for anyone participating on the day. Additionally, attendees are often invited into the next Tech Talk Live (TTL) to showcase their projects for the wider Alfresco community, and in a potentially more polished state. A number of projects of previous hack-a-thons turned out to be the starting point for the development of some well known tools or addons in the community, and the Tech Talk Live may help your project to find users or contributors to start on a similar road - or can help you extend your network by getting feedback from other community members interested in the same kind of topic that you worked on.

If you have any questions about the hack-a-thon at any time before or during the event, you can contact either me or Angel Borroy directly, and we will see in what way we can support you. While we will likely also work on ideas of our own during the hack-a-thon, as masters of ceremony, our main goal is to ensure you have the best experience during the event or help connect you with any other attendee who may want to collaborate or otherwise be able to support you in achieving your goal for your hack-a-thon project.

I look forward to seeing you in Lisbon and working with you to make the hack-a-thon a memorable and productive event for all of us.

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3 0 2,028
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #159 - TechQuest and Hackaton? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself:


Recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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1 0 707
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #159 - Use AI for your ADF development - bank asset management use case? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 1,074
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a presentation of the upcoming TechQuest and Hackaton, scheduled in September in Lisbon, Portugal, with our special guest Axel Faust. After a review of current Hackaton proposals on GitHub, everybody will be able to enable webcams and microphones for a community meeting, ask questions, and share ideas.

Let's prepare the Hackaton together, all community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

Add your Hackaton ideas on Github

Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Time: 10AM EDT | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Axel Faust, Acosix


Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 14.49.14.png

Register here: TTL #160 - Zoom registration

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0 0 1,099
Community Manager
Community Manager

In this webinar, we will explore an intriguing use case on “Asset Management for Banks.” Our focus will be on the technologies and integrations that support modern banking operations.


  1. Alfresco Modules and Integrations
    1. Introduction to the modules used for the demo.
    2. Overview of the integrations with other systems and platforms.
  2. Technical Demo: User Experience for Relationship Manager and Client
    1. Demonstration of customized interfaces.
    2. How both the Relationship Manager and the Client efficiently perform their tasks.
  3. How It Is Built
    1. Detailed explanation of the technical architecture and development processes.
    2. Tools and technologies used in the implementation.
  4. Bonus: ChatGPT Trained with Alfresco Application Development Framework Data
    1. Demonstration of a ChatGPT model trained specifically with Alfresco Application Development Framework data.
    2. Discussion of its benefits and practical applications.

Date: Wednesday 26 June 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Speaker: Florian Körber, Solution Engineer at Hyland


Register here: TTL #159 - Zoom Registration

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2 0 690
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #158 - Sharebox for Alfresco : ACA and ADW, How we solved the challenges? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 1,370
Community Manager
Community Manager

In this talk, we will discuss the challenges we faced while porting Sharebox for Alfresco to Alfresco ADF based clients (ACA and ADW) and how we successfully overcame them. We will dive into the technical details of the migration process, highlighting the key decisions and strategies we employed.

Join us to learn about the benefits of using Sharebox, the lessons we learned along the way of migrating from Alfresco Share customisations, and the best practices we recommend for similar migrations.

Date: Wednesday 15 May 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speakers: Peter Löfgren & Bhagya Silva, Loftux

Bhagya Silva.jpgPeter Löfgren.jpg

Register here: TTL #158 - Zoom Registration

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2 0 985
Alfresco Employee

Did you miss TTL #157 - Troubleshooting Made Easy: Deciphering Alfresco's mTLS Configuration? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

Source code

Available in

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0 0 1,195
Alfresco Employee

Whether you’re sparking ideas while in training, or in conversations during the conference itself, let the experience and energy coursing through this wonderfully innovative and historic city inspire your inner innovator.


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1 0 1,758
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for the sequel to TTL #149 (mTLS x Alfresco x Ansible).

In this session, we'll simplify the complexities of configuring and troubleshooting mutual TLS (mTLS) within Alfresco environments. Attendees will gain practical insights into certificate management, trust validation, and common challenges encountered during configuration.

We'll showcase and provide custom tools for troubleshooting during the session. These tools can be used with ZIP, Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes deployments.

Date: Wednesday 17 April 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET


Source code available in

Speakers: Angel Borroy, Tech Evangelist, Hyland



Register here: TTL #157 - Zoom Registration

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0 0 1,075
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #156 - Towards a sustainable deployment? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 933
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical introduction to environmental friendly IT with Alfresco.

Environmental sustainability is a key theme in the Alfresco roadmap. This talk is a walk through the features provided by the Alfresco DevOps team to help customers in creating a greener installation of Alfresco.

The focus will be on:

  • K8s deployment,
  • Key ideas that we included in organizing the new helm charts,
  • Current and upcoming changes specifically targeting sustainability and consequently cost efficiency.  


Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speakers: Alexandre Chapellon and Giovanni Toraldo, Hyland


Register here: TTL #156 - Zoom registration

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2 0 2,349
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #155 - Introduction to legal compliance for tech people, followed by an open meeting? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 963
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical introduction to legal compliance with multiple software integration.

The world of IT is moving very fast with AI and LLMs recent progress. But when it comes to legal compliance, classic questions are raised: what model can we use for commercial purpose? how can we integrate it in our projects and distribute them?

In this talk Antoine Thomas will introduce what is legal compliance, explains why developers try to ignore it, and how to avoid common traps. Then, after a quick presentation of popular open source licenses, we will review together AI model licenses and speak about tools and solutions that developers can implement in their CI. Because, yes, they can help with legal compliance.

With this Tech Talk Live, we will introduce a new format: we will try the Zoom Meeting format so everyone should be able to enable webcam and microphone. It's not mandatory to show yourself, but a quick presentation (30 secondes) of yourself, and a few questions to start a discussion are very welcome.

Date: Wednesday 14 February 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speaker: Antoine Thomas, Community Manager Open Source Solutions at Hyland



Register here: TTL #155 - Zoom

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0 0 1,499
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #154 - Enhancing Document-Centric Features with On-Premise Generative AI for Alfresco Community? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:

The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 939
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #153 - Use Generative AI to unleash the knowledge in your Alfresco repository? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources. Due to some moderation, please note that this time, the entire slide deck can not be made available to you in PDF but you will find the most important information.

You will also find more information in this article on the Alfresco Hub by our dear Wee Meng Chong:
Summarization of textual content in Alfresco repos... - Alfresco Hub

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1 0 1,311
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical guide on integrating Alfresco Community with On-Premise Generative AI.

This session outlines the steps to enhance both existing and new content, demonstrating features such as classification, summarization, translation, and prompting. But this framework allows you to include additional features.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how to apply GenAI to your content!

Date: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speaker: Angel Borroy, Tech Evangelist at Hyland


Register hereTTL #154 - Zoom

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2 0 1,388
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #152 Alfresco Identity and Access Management: Then, Now & Next? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 950
Alfresco Employee

Join us on December 20th for TTL #153 to learn all about Amazon Generative AI applied to Alfresco Repository.

In this talk, we will demonstrate how Amazon's AI/ML and GenAI services is used to enhance Alfresco Content Services. By surfacing relevant information and enabling chat about repository contents, these services improve knowledge worker efficiency.

Date: December 20th, 2023

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

WeeMeng Chong, Sr. Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services
Hemant Prasad, CEO at Crest Infosolutions


Register here: TTL #153 Zoom

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1 0 2,434
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on November 22nd for TTL #152 to learn all about Alfresco Identity and Access Management.


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0 0 1,451
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #151 How to generate Alfresco Docker assets with Docker Init? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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0 0 804
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on October 19th for TTL #151 to learn all about the new Docker Init feature and how you can use it with Alfresco.


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1 0 1,502
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #150 - Nuxeo SAP: The hidden champion? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 913
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on September 13th for TTL #150 to discover the first Tech Talk Live about SAP and Nuxeo.


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1 0 1,106
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #149 - Alfresco mTLS authentication made simple(r) with Ansible? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 1,344
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on July 19th for TTL #149 to discover how to make Alfresco mTLS authentication simple(r) with Ansible.


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1 0 1,097
About Alfresco Hub