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News & Announcements

Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a live talk next week at TechQuest and Hackaton, in Lisbon, Portugal, with our special guest Axel Faust and other people from Hyland and the community. Everybody is welcome to participate while Hackaton attendees will come show their work, and answer questions.

All community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

See Hackaton ideas on Github

Date: Thursday 12th September 2024

Time: 10AM EDT | 3PM BST and Lisbon time | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Axel Faust, Acosix
Hackaton attendees

Register here: TTL #161 - Zoom Registration




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0 0 88
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #159 - TechQuest and Hackaton? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself:


Recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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1 0 416
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #159 - Use AI for your ADF development - bank asset management use case? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 1,004
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a presentation of the upcoming TechQuest and Hackaton, scheduled in September in Lisbon, Portugal, with our special guest Axel Faust. After a review of current Hackaton proposals on GitHub, everybody will be able to enable webcams and microphones for a community meeting, ask questions, and share ideas.

Let's prepare the Hackaton together, all community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

Add your Hackaton ideas on Github

Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Time: 10AM EDT | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Axel Faust, Acosix


Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 14.49.14.png

Register here: TTL #160 - Zoom registration

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0 0 1,040
Community Manager
Community Manager

In this webinar, we will explore an intriguing use case on “Asset Management for Banks.” Our focus will be on the technologies and integrations that support modern banking operations.


  1. Alfresco Modules and Integrations
    1. Introduction to the modules used for the demo.
    2. Overview of the integrations with other systems and platforms.
  2. Technical Demo: User Experience for Relationship Manager and Client
    1. Demonstration of customized interfaces.
    2. How both the Relationship Manager and the Client efficiently perform their tasks.
  3. How It Is Built
    1. Detailed explanation of the technical architecture and development processes.
    2. Tools and technologies used in the implementation.
  4. Bonus: ChatGPT Trained with Alfresco Application Development Framework Data
    1. Demonstration of a ChatGPT model trained specifically with Alfresco Application Development Framework data.
    2. Discussion of its benefits and practical applications.

Date: Wednesday 26 June 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Speaker: Florian Körber, Solution Engineer at Hyland


Register here: TTL #159 - Zoom Registration

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2 0 621
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #158 - Sharebox for Alfresco : ACA and ADW, How we solved the challenges? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 1,305
Community Manager
Community Manager

In this talk, we will discuss the challenges we faced while porting Sharebox for Alfresco to Alfresco ADF based clients (ACA and ADW) and how we successfully overcame them. We will dive into the technical details of the migration process, highlighting the key decisions and strategies we employed.

Join us to learn about the benefits of using Sharebox, the lessons we learned along the way of migrating from Alfresco Share customisations, and the best practices we recommend for similar migrations.

Date: Wednesday 15 May 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speakers: Peter Löfgren & Bhagya Silva, Loftux

Bhagya Silva.jpgPeter Löfgren.jpg

Register here: TTL #158 - Zoom Registration

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2 0 884
Alfresco Employee

Did you miss TTL #157 - Troubleshooting Made Easy: Deciphering Alfresco's mTLS Configuration? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

Source code

Available in

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0 0 1,120
Alfresco Employee

Whether you’re sparking ideas while in training, or in conversations during the conference itself, let the experience and energy coursing through this wonderfully innovative and historic city inspire your inner innovator.


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1 0 1,618
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for the sequel to TTL #149 (mTLS x Alfresco x Ansible).

In this session, we'll simplify the complexities of configuring and troubleshooting mutual TLS (mTLS) within Alfresco environments. Attendees will gain practical insights into certificate management, trust validation, and common challenges encountered during configuration.

We'll showcase and provide custom tools for troubleshooting during the session. These tools can be used with ZIP, Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes deployments.

Date: Wednesday 17 April 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET


Source code available in

Speakers: Angel Borroy, Tech Evangelist, Hyland



Register here: TTL #157 - Zoom Registration

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0 0 1,038
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #156 - Towards a sustainable deployment? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 882
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical introduction to environmental friendly IT with Alfresco.

Environmental sustainability is a key theme in the Alfresco roadmap. This talk is a walk through the features provided by the Alfresco DevOps team to help customers in creating a greener installation of Alfresco.

The focus will be on:

  • K8s deployment,
  • Key ideas that we included in organizing the new helm charts,
  • Current and upcoming changes specifically targeting sustainability and consequently cost efficiency.  


Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speakers: Alexandre Chapellon and Giovanni Toraldo, Hyland


Register here: TTL #156 - Zoom registration

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2 0 2,311
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #155 - Introduction to legal compliance for tech people, followed by an open meeting? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:



The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 928
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical introduction to legal compliance with multiple software integration.

The world of IT is moving very fast with AI and LLMs recent progress. But when it comes to legal compliance, classic questions are raised: what model can we use for commercial purpose? how can we integrate it in our projects and distribute them?

In this talk Antoine Thomas will introduce what is legal compliance, explains why developers try to ignore it, and how to avoid common traps. Then, after a quick presentation of popular open source licenses, we will review together AI model licenses and speak about tools and solutions that developers can implement in their CI. Because, yes, they can help with legal compliance.

With this Tech Talk Live, we will introduce a new format: we will try the Zoom Meeting format so everyone should be able to enable webcam and microphone. It's not mandatory to show yourself, but a quick presentation (30 secondes) of yourself, and a few questions to start a discussion are very welcome.

Date: Wednesday 14 February 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speaker: Antoine Thomas, Community Manager Open Source Solutions at Hyland



Register here: TTL #155 - Zoom

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0 0 1,465
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #154 - Enhancing Document-Centric Features with On-Premise Generative AI for Alfresco Community? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:

The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources.

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0 0 887
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #153 - Use Generative AI to unleash the knowledge in your Alfresco repository? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available:


The PDF version of the presentation is attached to this post, meaning you will have all the content and the link to the resources. Due to some moderation, please note that this time, the entire slide deck can not be made available to you in PDF but you will find the most important information.

You will also find more information in this article on the Alfresco Hub by our dear Wee Meng Chong:
Summarization of textual content in Alfresco repos... - Alfresco Hub

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1 0 1,259
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us for a practical guide on integrating Alfresco Community with On-Premise Generative AI.

This session outlines the steps to enhance both existing and new content, demonstrating features such as classification, summarization, translation, and prompting. But this framework allows you to include additional features.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how to apply GenAI to your content!

Date: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

Speaker: Angel Borroy, Tech Evangelist at Hyland


Register hereTTL #154 - Zoom

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2 0 1,358
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #152 Alfresco Identity and Access Management: Then, Now & Next? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 904
Alfresco Employee

Join us on December 20th for TTL #153 to learn all about Amazon Generative AI applied to Alfresco Repository.

In this talk, we will demonstrate how Amazon's AI/ML and GenAI services is used to enhance Alfresco Content Services. By surfacing relevant information and enabling chat about repository contents, these services improve knowledge worker efficiency.

Date: December 20th, 2023

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CET

WeeMeng Chong, Sr. Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services
Hemant Prasad, CEO at Crest Infosolutions


Register here: TTL #153 Zoom

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1 0 2,380
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on November 22nd for TTL #152 to learn all about Alfresco Identity and Access Management.


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0 0 1,397
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #151 How to generate Alfresco Docker assets with Docker Init? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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0 0 752
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on October 19th for TTL #151 to learn all about the new Docker Init feature and how you can use it with Alfresco.


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1 0 1,459
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #150 - Nuxeo SAP: The hidden champion? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 872
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on September 13th for TTL #150 to discover the first Tech Talk Live about SAP and Nuxeo.


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1 0 1,077
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #149 - Alfresco mTLS authentication made simple(r) with Ansible? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 1,273
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on July 19th for TTL #149 to discover how to make Alfresco mTLS authentication simple(r) with Ansible.


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1 0 1,056
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #148 - Reduce Alfresco Content Services Operational Burden with AWS Serverless? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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1 0 1,034
Community Manager
Community Manager

Join us on June 21st for TTL #148 to discover all about reducing Alfresco Content Services operational burden with AWS Serverless



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1 0 1,297
Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you miss TTL #147 - Alfresco Content Services 7.4 Release overview? Or do you want to get the slides and read more with the links to the resources?

Please help yourself: recording and slides are available.


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2 0 1,385
Community Manager
Community Manager

At CommunityLIVE 2023 in Las Vegas, we’ll recognize forward-thinking organizations that are leveraging Hyland technologies to transform their work and their communities.

Finalists in three categories will be recognized at CommunityLIVE, where winners will receive complimentary conference passes and hotel accommodations to attend the event.


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1 0 2,449
About Alfresco Hub