News & Announcements - Page 4

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News & Announcements - Page 4

Alfresco Employee

There's now a one-stop shop for all Alfresco Community events....and a monthly Community Newsletter


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Alfresco Employee

Catch up with the lastest news and events from August 2020.


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Alfresco Employee

Latest news and blogs about Alfresco, as well as the top Hub contributors for July 2020. Read more ....


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Alfresco Employee

Read about what's happened in the Alfresco community during June.


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Alfresco Employee

Alfresco consultancy, Venzia IT, worked on a hackathon project to improve the ACA search experience. Read how they got on.


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Alfresco Employee

May's Digital Digest of Alfresco Community News & Events. Read on ...


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1 0 1,476
Alfresco Employee

Read how Adrien Suavez produced a GraphQL endpoint for Alfresco.


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Alfresco Employee

During Hackathon Tom Page took the opportunity to write about managing public access to company prvate Git repositories. Read how community mirroring works.


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0 0 1,597
Alfresco Employee

Jeff Potts worked on two projects during Hackathon, updating his acclaimed Alfresco Developer Series Tutorials, and a Markdown Transformer. Read how he got on.


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0 0 2,436
Alfresco Employee

TietoEvry set out to automate Garbage Collection log analysis and display the results in Alfresco. Read about how they got on.


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0 0 1,722
Alfresco Employee

Angel works at Alfresco as a search engineer and during hackathon he worked on a number of projects. Read more about the projects Angel was involved in.


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0 0 2,017
Alfresco Employee

May 11, 2020 saw the DevCon hackathon take place as a virtual event. The ‘follow the sun’ hackathon produced a number of notable projects, more of which later.


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0 0 1,524
Alfresco Employee

ADF 3.8.0 AND JS-API 3.8.0 are out

  • New improved metadata experience in the metadata editing
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Activity 7 support
  • Many other fixes too.

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0 0 1,400
Alfresco Employee

April's Digital Digest of Alfresco Community News & Events. Read on ...



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Alfresco Employee


For people with a project idea

For each project, you should consider addressing the following:

  • The idea owner(s)
  • A brief description
  • Any prep work for the project, such as developer tools or skills participants should understand

We encourage you to keep your project idea short and provide any additional details in separate document or blog post. This may also allow you to coordinate with potential team members via the comments there without being mixed in with any discussions on this page.

Project ideas can be registered on this Google Form.

For people looking to join a project

Please feel free to add your name to any project(s) you are interested in participating. Don't hesitate to add your name to multiple projects if you are considering helping multiple projects at this point. We encourage you to use the project links to contact the owner of an idea to discuss any details you are unsure about or even improve upon the idea.

Apart from any plans you make with the owner of an idea, you are not bound to actually participate in the project you indicated here. When you join the hack-a-thon on the day of the event you can check with other project teams and join a different project, if that turns out to be a better fit for you.

For everyone

The global virtual hack-a-thon is as much a social event as it is a coding one. This means a lot of the attendees for this event often use it to exchange ideas and discuss other matters in the general Alfresco context. To do this, everyone that attends the global virtual hack-a-thon should be prepared to join any of the commonly used communication channels for this event. In the past the main tools have been the IRC chat #alfresco (via or a desktop client), Zoom, Discord, and Google Hangouts. 


<placeholder for project title>

Idea owner: 


Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

AQuA ADF Feature

Idea owner: Javier Martinez Rojo, Venzia IT


With the aim to develop, build and share some new component/page for ADF/ACA frameworks, Venzia’s AQuA team (with strong background with such tecnologíes) will work to improve search experience, adding new section in search results to show highlighted matched terms and providing highlighted text for content preview (for PDF formats at least) too. 

The main target is to “migrate” Share highlight terms in search results adding this capability to content preview (pdf.js viewer).

Project Documentation

Prep work: Participants will need knowledge of at least one of the following:

  • Angular. 
  • Alfresco Development Framework and/or Alfresco Content Application
  • Solr.
  • PDF.js

Interested parties:

  • Horelvis Castillo Mendoza, Roberto Gamiz Sanchez, ...

Let's Encrypt Companion

Idea owner: Martin Mueller, OBJECT

Description: Let's Encrypt Companion Image for Alfresco Docker Installer.,  

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?


Idea owner: Jeff Potts, Metaversant Group, Inc.

Description: Not sure yet, but it will be something from the linked Trello board. Might also see what others are proposing and help out with those.  Project Trello Board

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Persistent Monitoring for the OTBEE Admin Console

Idea owner: Luis Colorado, Zia Consulting.

Description: Monitoring CPU, memory, and threads is an easy and powerful way to monitor the Alfresco server behavior. Unfortunately, the data is lost when the browser tab is closed, the user navigates to another page, or the server is restarted. The goal of the project is to persist that data for the current user, so monitoring can be resumed after a restart, the browser tab is closed, or the user switches to other metric. An stretch goal would be to enable the monitoring on the background. Project Document

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Simplify the ACS Kubernetes deployments

Idea owner: Dharan


ACS Kubernetes deployment is not as easy to compare to the rest of the deployment. So the expectation of the project is to solve that. We should aggregate all the required documents and best practices in one place.

Here is the plan (very very initial state)

1. Aggregate all Docker images and it's purpose
2. Storage management
3. Best practice
4. Include a benchmark for a configuration
5. FAQ pages
6. Known issues pages

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

GraphQL endpoint for Alfresco

Idea owner: Adrien SAUVEZ, Smile

Description: Alfresco seems to be the ideal case to be queried in GraphQL. Do you want to request information on the current node, its child nodes for a list, its parent nodes for a breadcrumb trail and information on the current user, all in a single request? GraphQL is for you.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Spike on Backporting Repo features

Idea owner: Angel Borroy, Alfresco

Description:  Alfresco SOLR performance improvement is only available for ACS 6.2 but Search Services 1.4.2 has support for ACS 6.0+
This project will create a module containing the database query and the webscript required to add this feature to ACS 6.0+
Blog post or README will be produced from this work, in order to generate a proposal or procedure for backporting features to prior ACS versions.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Alfresco tests

Idea owner:  Luca Stancapiano, Sourcesense

Description: The project allows you to test the work done within the SDK such as functionality and customization of the CMS and workflows without the need for the alfresco container. They are therefore rapid junit tests that do not involve starting a repository. This is done through faithfully reconstructed services that take the place of the originals.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

GC log monitoring

Idea owner: Filip Bruska, Tieto

Description: Garbage collector (GC) log is very useful helper in case you face performance issues.
Plan is to use GCEasy API, GCPlot or any other app to create data representation of JVM behaviour on regular basis. The result can be represented in new ADF Admin tab or in Alfresco Admin console.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Serverless AWS S3 video converter

Idea owner: Bogdan Kulbida, Konstankino

Description:  Build an app with AWS Cognito login functionality. Within the app you upload a video to private S3 bucket. S3 triggers AWS Fargate container to convert your file to mobile friendly video format and uploads it to public S3 bucket. Project Documentation

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

GC/OOM problems with Alfresco Search Services and OpenJDK11

Idea owner: Angel Borroy, Alfresco

Description:Different Community members have reported GC/OOM problems when using SOLR 6 and OpenJDK11. Since the conditions to raise this problem haven't been identified, this projects aims to build a dataset (content store + database) in order to reproduce the problem. This will provide an starting point for fixing the problem.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Alfresco Single Copy Object Store - ASCOS

Idea owner: Werner Novak, WeSaSoft

Description: When a document ist stored in Alfresco repository, the file is saved as ...bin object in the filesystem. When you upload the same document again, but in another repository folder, the file is saved as another ...bin object in the filesystem, even the files are crc32 equal. So the project should register this and save the file only once as ...bin object in the background. This in large organizations can save a lot of storage amount.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?

Content Models-OOTB Support Tools

Idea owner: Krutik Jayswal, Tieto


This project will make enhancement in the OOTB Support tools at Admin Console. The core motive behind this project is to list all the content models which are deployed in alfresco repository. This will include boot strapped content models as well.It will help system administrators and developers. At runtime it will be possible to see the attributes of customized or newly deployed content model. Administrators will be able to track properties for example whether index is enabled or not, whether is it is atomic, what aspects it is referring to. This will greatly help admins to track the production issues which are related to content models or search and will also help the developers in making the well informed design of their applications.

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • Krutik Jayswa, Monika, Gaurav Sharma, Swapnil Dangore
  • And you?

Two Factor Authentication in ADF

Idea owner: Kintu Barot, ContCentric IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

Description:  ADF component to implement two factor authentication for Alfresco using gmail. Project document. 

Prep work: 

Interested parties:

  • You?
  • Or you, ma'm?
  • Maybe you, sir?


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Alfresco Employee

I'm pleased to announce the Alfresco 2020 Hack-a-thon, is taking place on Monday,  11 May 2020 from 09:00 UTC+10. You are all invited to join in!

Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thons are open to everyone in the Alfresco community. While there typically is a large percentage of attendees who are developers, we also like to see end-users, managers and other people interested in Alfresco and its ecosystem of products (Content Services, Process Services, Governance Services, Application Development Framework, Digital Workspace, Activiti Cloud etc.). The projects being worked on during the event can also focus on any kind of technical to non-technical topic, such as enhancing documentation or defining business requirements for critically missing feaures to be discussed / passed on to Alfresco. The more technical people in the event also welcome the opportunity to be exposed to different perspectives on the way Alfresco can be used to solve problems, or to get constructive feedback on the projects they are working on at the event.

Attending an Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon should also not be hindered by your specific location or time zone. With no specific city / locality where the hack-a-thon takes place, people use various digital tools to connect and collaborate on a global scale, e.g. by using Discord, Zoom or Skype web sessions. The event typically lasts between 24 and 27 hours (best was around 30) using the follow the sun principle. We start early in the morning for attendees in Oceania and East Asia and go on until ideally the last people in the Americas stop to work on their projects. Anyone can join and leave at any time of the day whichever fits best their schedule.

Project Ideas

As always, we are using a Google Form to register,  list and coordinate project ideas for the Global Virtual Hack-a-thon in advance of the event. Everyone with a specific idea is free to register it on this form, even if they may not be able to attend the event themselves. Other interested parties can add their names to the ideas, and use comments or other communication means to discuss and refine those ideas further. On the day of the event, this also helps to point any new participants who may not have an idea about what to do yet to projects already in progress or waiting to be picked up.

With less than a month to go until the event, I want to invite everyone in the community to start thinking about what you would consider useful things / ideas to be work on / enhanced. Ideally, we have a list of a half a dozen or more ideas until the week before the event, when people can start to more specifically prepare for the projects they want to work on, e.g. get familiar with existing code if continueing an existing project or simply just coordinating who will join at what time in their teams.

Going forward the list of project ideas will be published here on the Hub.

Hacker Rooms

Given the global pandemic, there will be no physical rooms as in previous hack-a-thons.


Any questions about the hack-a-thon can be directed to Axel Faust or Ole Hejlskov‌. 

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Alfresco Employee

A quick round up of the latest news, top contributors and more ....


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Alfresco Employee

Event: Alfresco Seville Meetup

Date: March 26, 2020
Time: 18:30 - 21:30 (Madrid Time, GMT+1)



Here we go again! With lots of cool stuff that we want to share with all of you.
Come and join us in person at the Espacio RES in Seville, or remotely accessing our Zoom meeting.

We'll see you there!

- Brief (Hi)story of Alfresco SOLR Content Store (Ángel Borroy - Alfresco)
- Insight Engine, a Practical Approach (Miguel Sánchez - Independent Consultant)
- Polaris, an Alfresco-Based Industrial Paperless Platform (Álvaro Fernández - Sixphere)
- Analyzing AQuA, an ADF-Based Solution (Javier Martínez - Venzia)
- Alfresco Deleted Content, Again (Daniel Fernández - UST Global)
- Behaviour-Based Audit Console in ELK for Alfresco Events (César Capillas - Zylk)
- Monitoring Alfresco via Elastic APM (Mikel Asla - Zylk)

To connect online:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 623 305 8576

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Alfresco Employee

Top Contributors

This month's hall of fame includes:

Thanks so much for helping us all by sharing your time and knowledge.

Latest Alfresco News

Latest Sector News

Upcoming Events

Alfresco DevCon 2020 11 to 13 May, Park Plaza Riverside, London, SE1 7TJ, UK. The call for papers offically closed 24 February. We've had a really good number of submissions, plenty enough to make this a really great conference. The difficult task of selecting the best papers now beings - updates to follow a.s.a.p. In the meantime, tickets for DevCon 2020 are on sale here.

Spring IO Conference 14 to 15 May, Barcelona. Spring I/O is the leading european conference focused on the Spring. Framework ecosystem.

Seville Alfresco Developer's Meetup, 26 March, Seville, 18:30 - 21:30 (GMT+1)

Kubernetes Contributor Summit Europe, 29 to 30 March, Amsterdam

KubeCon | CloudNativeCon, 30 March to 2nd April, Amsterdam. 


How do I contribute?

You can message me, @EddieMay, before the last Wednesday of the month. I can't guarantee to publish everything, but if its relevant, then it should get in. 


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0 0 1,572
Alfresco Employee

Welcome to the very first Alfresco Hub Community Digest.

What is the Community Digest?

The Community Digest is a monthly round up of Alfresco news and top hub contributions. Its our way of saying thanks to you, for all your contributions during the past month. It's also a way of sharing news and events that are of interest to the community - this includes news of local Alfresco user groups, significant code drops to Alfresco repositories, etc.


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Active Member II

What is Alfresco ID?

Alfresco ID is our new Single Sign On tool that will allow you to access Alfresco websites using one set of credentials. If you are experiencing problems getting logged in please follow the links below:

Please note your existing password will not work and you will need to request a new password by resetting your password. 

Setting up Alfresco ID is simple and takes less than a minute, you will need to reset your password in order to gain access. 

> Get Started by Resetting Your Password » 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am an Enterprise Customer and having issues logging in; Is there specific customer focused help / FAQs for Alfresco ID?
A: Yes, Please read the Enterprise Customer Help / FAQs

Q: Where do I sign in?
A: Go to the sign-in page

Q: What should I do if I forget my username or password?
A: Go to the sign-in page and click the forgotten password link.

Q: How do I access the Customer Support Portal?
A:  Go to Customer Support Portal

Q: I’m having problems connecting to the customer support portal
A: Please either contact your company administrator, your Alfresco Customer Support Mananger or contact Alfresco

Q: How do I access Alfresco University?
A: Go to Alfresco University

Q: I’m having problems connecting to Alfresco University
A: Please reset your password

Q: How do I access the forums / Hub?
A: You will need to reset your password if you don’t already have an Alfresco ID, if you already have an Alfresco ID go to Forums / Hub

Q: I’m having problems connecting to the forums / Hub
A: Please reset your password

Q: Alfresco ID mentions Okta, what’s Okta?
A: Alfresco ID is built on top of Okta - the industry leading platform for single sign on and identity management, as our business has grown we’ve added services to support our customers and partners with learning, collaboration and support - now we plan to make accessing those services as easy as possible for all Alfresco users.

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Active Member II

We have some exciting news to share! We've recently launch a new service to Alfresco websites that we’re calling ‘Alfresco ID’.


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About Alfresco Hub